Page 2 of Empire of Ash
She smiles at me.
“I know I saw you sniff it. What did you think, that I was going to put dog shit on it or something?”
I blush, rolling my eyes.
“I mean, kind of.”
She and Padma giggle.
“Oh my God, Ella, gross,” she snorts, eying me as I take another bite.
I swallow, my brow furrowing a little as I bring the last bit to my lips.
“What else is in this, though?”
Cora glances at Padma, then back at me.
“What do you mean?” She frowns. “It’s just a fucking brownie, Ella.”
I shake my head. “Oh, no, no. I don’t mean anything gross or bad. I just mean there’s this other flavor with the chocolate I can’t place. It’s really good though.”
They both grin as I pop the last bite into my mouth. Their grins only grow wider as I chew and swallow.
They’re still grinning at me.
My brow knits.
“What? Do I have something on my face?”
Padma giggles and turns away saying “Oh my God,” between snickers. Cora looks like she’s about to lose it completely.
Instantly, my guard starts to go up again.
“Was it good?”
I stiffen.
“Well? Was it?”
Slowly, I nod. “Yeah, it was—”
She explodes into laughter, making my pulse thud faster.
“Wait, I don’t get—”
“You just ate the biggest edible I’ve ever even heard of!” She crows, both her and Padma laughing uproariously as my face pales.
“Wait, edible like—”
“Likepot, you dork.” She giggles, almost doubling over with laughter.
“Are you serious?!” I choke, horrified.
They both keep laughing as they nod gleefully at me.
“Nate Littleton’s older brother made them for a party last weekend,” Cora howls. “He putsomuch weed in them. There’s literally like an entire eighth ounce in that one brownie,” she giggles.