Page 24 of Empire of Ash
“Oi, Harry.”
Jack leans over the bar from his perch at the end, next to Gus.
“Think this one could use a drink, eh?”
I groan. “I second that.”
Harry grins. “Whiskey?”
“That’ll work.”
She pours us each a glass. It helps, but my nerves still feel raw. I’ve barely been sleeping because of the anxiety and nightmares, and I’m just that kind of perpetual tired where you feel dulled, or like you’re going insane.
I finish my glass before I even know it. Harry pours me another and then heads down the bar to check on some other patrons.
“You know,” Gus grins as he leans across the bar a little, lowering his voice conspiratorially.
“Say the word, luv, and me and Jack here, we’ll go take that cunt Ransom down a peg or two.”
“He ain’t wrong, El,” Jack mutters. “I’d like to knock that prick’s teeth down his throat for the way he done you bad.”
I smile, even if it still feels like every nerve in my body is jangling. Like every ounce of my energy is drained.
“If I think it’ll help my chances, I’ll let you know.”
They both smile. Gus reaches over and pats my hand, before turning back to the TV across the room. Someone’s flipping channels, looking for a sports match of some kind. When suddenly, they pause on the news.
“—dare say it’s not looking good for the newly mintedMrs.Ransom, Peter,” one host is saying to the other as my face pales.
“I mean she’s about to head to court over this business with her mother, and now we’re hearing that apparently, she’s got a history of drug abuse.”
The jangling of my nerves hits a fever pitch. My breath starts coming in short, panicky bursts. My eyes glaze over.
“—not good at all, Michael. And that isnotgoing to play well with her defense. Not with—”
“Oi!” Gus roars. “Turn that shit off!”
Harry spots it too, paling as she bolts for the remote.
“—but then, maybe it’s time this governmentdidstart put violent drug offenders behind bars, regardless of their parent’s wealth—”
The TV switches to a rugby match.
The bar is quiet. Everyone’s looking at me, or else trying desperately and obviously to look everywherebutat me.
My hands are shaking. I can’t even really see straight as the panic starts to claw at my throat. I’m vaguely aware of Harry holding me and asking if I’m okay.
“Yeah… yes, fine,” I mumble.
She frowns.
“You want some air?”
I nod.
“Yeah… that… I’ll be right back.”
I turn to smile weakly at Gus and Jack.