Page 65 of Empire of Ash
“Someone tried to blow my wife up, Dr. Pratcher,” I growl thinly.
“I can of course appreciate your concern, Mr. Ransom,” she says thinly. “But we do have security at this hospital.”
“And I have better security at my home,” I grunt. “And a doctor who can monitor her. This is not a debate, Dr. Pratcher. Ella is coming with me after those tests come back.”
She sighs heavily, glaring at me.
“This isn’t a corporate takeover, Mr. Ransom.”
“You’re right. If it was, believe me, I wouldn’t be offering the courtesy of this conversation.”
Her lips thin.
“I’ll want to have a conversation with this doctor of yours before I sign off on this.”
My poker face hides the smirk under the surface. I don’t begrudge her digging her heels in about this. Not when it’s clear it comes from a place of concern for Ella.
“Of course.”
That seems to soften her a little.
“Well, if it’s alright with yourlordship,” Dr. Pratcher mutters sarcastically. “I’d like the room to examine my patient.”
A littlebeing the operative part.
I turn to Ella, smiling as I reach down to cup her cheek. She bites her lip, those blue eyes meeting the fire in mine.
“I’ll be just outside in the hall.”
I nod to Dr. Pratcher and then slip out of the room. There’s one of those shitty little coffee dispensing vending machines down the hall. But something tells me it won’t pump out whiskey no matter how much money I shove down its throat.
And that’s what I need right now. I need fire and vitriol. I need something to calm the roaring in my head.
Instead, I suck in a deep breath and lean against the wall opposite the door to Ella’s hospital room. The door to the room right next door opens.
My eyes narrow to dangerous slits as Oliver Prince steps out.
He sees me the same time I see him, and I watch his jaw grit. His hand tightens on the knob as he shuts the door behind him.
“I’m putting our perpetual bullshit aside for the moment to ask you how she is,” he growls quietly.
My lips curl into a sneer.
“She’s fine.”
The air bristles around us, the hallway pulsing as the two of us square off like waring titans.
“Jacob will be fine too,” he mutters. “Thanks for asking.”
My jaw sets, the fury in my face scorching across the divide between us. Oliver sighs, rolling his eyes.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Noel. Business is business. There arelivesthat could have been lost today—”
“The police were just here.”
His eyes narrow.
“Yes, I spoke to them, too.”