Page 86 of Empire of Ash
“You’re fucking preg—!!”
I drop my voice.
“You’re fucking pregnant!?”
“It would indeed appear the ball got past the goalie.”
I snort a laugh. “Wait, Jules! This is amazing!!”
“I know!” She gushes. “We’d planned on waiting a few years. This really was a surprise. But…” she shrugs. “It’s like the second I found out, I knew I was ready. We both are. Oh my God, Bastian is losing hisshitby the way. He ordered literally every baby book ever written, it’s madness.”
I’m laughing as I hug her again, rocking us side-to-side.
“Tell me.”
I blink, looking up from the laptop I’ve been staring at for God knows how long without actually seeing it.
Noel stands in the doorway to the library, his eyes sweeping over me. Turning me to liquid.
I shiver.
He hasn’t touched me since the explosion. I know it’s because he’s been looking at me and handling me like I’m this delicate little porcelain doll. Like if he does touch me like that, he’ll break me somehow.
But I’ve grown ratherused tothose touches. Which has me… twisted inside—pulsing, even, when he looks at me like this.
I blink when I realize he’s just asked me something.
“I saidtell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“What’s going through your head.”
I flush. Aside from the dirty thoughts involving him, I’ve been thinking about Julianna’s news from earlier this afternoon. She’s asked me to keep a lid on the pregnancy for now. But the bridesmaid thing is fair game.
“Oh, nothing. Julianna was here earlier—"
“I know.”
I roll my eyes. Of course he does.
“She wanted to know if I’d be one of her bridesmaids for the wedding, which is actually going to be in two months, not five.”
He arches a brow, making me shiver as he stalks towards me. When he stops right in front of me, I swallow as his eyes blaze into mine.
“Why are they moving up the wedding?”
My cheeks flush. I shrug.
“I don’t know. Scheduling stuff, I guess.”