Page 60 of Lightning
“They discussed the atmosphere at length.”
“The atmosphere?”
“Temperature, pressure, and particularly humidity—at various altitudes.”
Clarissa couldn’t imagine what they were discussing that for, unless it was a piece of space debris that had fallen on the ship.
“And they discussed lasers.” Taz appeared to be enjoying her slow dribble of information.
Clarissa again had to resist the urge to slash at her. “Lasers?” she managed in a reasonable voice. “Someone shot a laser from where, from orbit?”
Taz shrugged this time. As if she truly didn’t know.
“Seriously?” She’d meant it as a joke. “One big enough to shatter an aircraft carrier?”
She shrugged again. “Miranda was beingverycautious about what she said. If she hadn’t asked about laser etching of aircraft carrier deck plating, we wouldn’t have known where she was at all.”
Clarissa could feel the blood draining from her face.
Who had anything like that? Space-capable countries were few and far between. And most of the list was painfully aggressive.