Page 83 of Lightning
The redhead moved to the one guest chair his office boasted and settled into it slowly as if she was suddenly far older than she looked.
“We have one man who came through base security last night but is still unaccounted for. A Captain Justin O’Dowd. The pilot who we presume killed them, stole the plane, and crashed it into the hotel. His record is also clean.”
“Do you have any audio of his voice?” Jeremy asked.
Jon tracked down the file and hit play.
“No. No. Send it to me.”
“Are you cleared to—”
Jeremy held out a CAC. The Common Access Card listed him as a consultant to the AIB with a clearance significantly higher than his own. Right, he’d forgotten that Miranda’s whole team was cleared to the heavens themselves.
“Fine!” He sent the stupid file, a lift of O’Dowd’s voicemail greeting. Taz and Jeremy didn’t acknowledge his thinking of that. They were both so damned insulting. Taz had been raised from the grave and dodged the prison sentence they probably all deserved. All because of Miranda cozying up to Uncle Drake in ways she’d never done with himself in the entire year they’d been dating.
Within moments, Jeremy was loading the audio file on his tablet. He played a recording of a plane taxiing, and the tower’s clearance. Then he played the segment Jon had provided. Not much there to tell if it was the same person, less than a dozen words.
They all waited in silence while Jeremy worked for several minutes.
Jon spent most of that time wishing they’d all go away. He spent the rest wondering if his career was over because he’d been stupid enough to sleep with Miranda Chase and now her team members were going to hound his heels until the day he died.
“It’s a voice match,” Jeremy announced. “That’s our bad-guy pilot.”
“His record is immaculate.” Jon pointed at the history.
“A sleeper agent,” the redhead said in a voice that was simultaneously bedroom deep and infinitely refined. “A sleeper agent killed my husband.”
Taz rolled her eyes at him. “Major Swift. Report this man immediately to the FBI and Homeland Security. We need a full re-check of his background. I can’t believe you were sitting on this.”
“I wasn’t sitting on—”
His survival instinct grabbed the phone and had him dialing.
Killed who? He knew there were a lot of dead at the George crash. But who was this woman connected to? Someone so important that Taz had cleared her through Pentagon security. Or had she cleared herself?
The implications of that were very,verybad.