Page 2 of The Vineyard Bride
“No Uncle Trevor, though,” Susan affirmed.“Too tired from his procedure yesterday.”
The Sheridan women shared a moment of somber silence at the mention of his procedure, which had been a necessary medical check-up but served as yet another reminder that the people they’d always assumed would be around forever might have numbered days.
“They didn’t find anything, though,” Susan continued.“Healthy as a horse.”
“Great news,” Audrey chimed in as she sliced through a green pepper, making the juice splatter out across the cutting board.
“Hello?Is anyone home?”A familiar voice rang out from the back entrance, near the driveway.
“Is that cousin Andy?”Lola called, stepping back toward the mudroom.She watched Andy, his pregnant wife, Beth, and her nine-year-old son, Will, as they all removed their shoes and then headed toward the soft light of the living room.
“Will, you’re growing like a bean,” Lola teased him.
Will stuck out a hand for Lola to shake as Beth explained that Will had recently watched a documentary about business politics and “picked up a few things.”
“Business politics?”Lola asked, incredulous.
Will shrugged.“It was on television, and I couldn’t find the remote.”
“Someone has to rule the world one day.Maybe it’ll be you, Will,” Beth joked, sliding a hand across her pregnant stomach before she sat on the couch beside Christine.
Will was a darling boy, yet autistic and occasionally difficult to make sense of.Since Andy’s romantic relationship with Beth had begun two Christmases back, the Sheridan and Montgomery families had welcomed Will into their folds whole-heartedly, grateful for his idiosyncrasies and his pure outlook.
“And how are you doing, Andy?”Christine asked as Andy limped slightly into the room, proof that his old war injury still had a hold on him.
“Not bad!”Andy returned, his smile enormous.“Still working with the furniture maker.”
“I’d love to hire you to make Tommy and I a new bed,” Lola began, surprising herself.
“Lola, that’s a beautiful idea!”Susan cried.
“You could send me some designs you’d like,” Andy affirmed.“I could draw something out for you.”
Lola’s cheeks burned with embarrassment.What was she thinking, falling in love?Her wedding was in just a few weeks.Was she insane to go through with it, especially now that they’d planned an even more “grand” affair than the failed wedding meant for February?
“Gosh, it’s so exciting!”Beth’s smile widened to show her adorable cheeks, which had grown the slightest bit since her pregnancy.“Are you planning on having some kind of bachelorette party?”
“No way!I would never plan something like that,” Lola returned.
At that moment, a look passed between Audrey and Amanda— one that made Lola suspect that they had a party up their sleeves.Uh oh.What were they up to?
A split-second later, boisterous male voices rang out from the driveway, along with two slams of car doors.Amanda nearly dropped her knife as joy played out across her face.
“Is that who I think it is?”Amanda called as the back door opened.
Sam and Noah, Amanda, and Audrey’s boyfriends, respectively, stepped through the living room.In their mid-twenties, they were suntanned from hours on sailboats, naturally muscular, with ridiculously handsome smiles that took Lola all the way back to her twenty-something dating days (when Audrey had been a little girl).
Amanda rolled up on her toes to kiss Sam on the cheek while Noah wrapped his arms around Audrey, who kept her knife poised over her green pepper.
“Be careful!”Audrey cried, quivering with laughter.“I’m armed, you know.”
“Is that a threat?”Noah asked, dropping a kiss over her ear.
“We’re filling up!”Susan said, selecting a chip from the bag and placing one on her tongue.“Better have a chip before they’re gone.”
“With the Montgomery and Sheridan clans around, we’ll be eaten out of house and home in no time,” Amanda affirmed.
A few minutes later, the rest of the guests arrived— Aunt Kerry and her daughter, Kelli, plus Grandpa Wes, Kellan, Scott, Zach, and, at the very last second, Tommy.Lola’s heart seized at the sight of his muscular frame, which was only a shadow as he stepped through the mudroom to join the others.Lola leaped into his arms, inhaling his salty musk from his hours out on the water.Her fingers played out across his muscles and slid down the flat of his stomach.Behind her, the Montgomery and Sheridan clans wandered out toward the back porch, where they could watch the sunlight cascade across the Vineyard Sound.