Page 40 of The Vineyard Bride
Chapter Sixteen
It wasn’t a difficultthing for Lola to discover the whereabouts of Valerie’s new islander boyfriend, Harry.The journalistic efforts involved a simple question at the local Oak Bluffs bar, which led to a conversation with another local who mentioned, “That guy who fixes the roads.His name is Harry, and he has a Midwestern accent if I’ve ever heard one.”
The Tuesday after her arrival back from Boston, Lola searched online for the street address of Harry Billson, a man who lived on the outskirts of Oak Bluffs.The site allowed for a satellite image, one that brought a digital Lola directly to the street alongside the brick house, where a large fence separated the street and Harry’s property.There was no telling if that fence was Harry’s decision or someone else’s.That said, it certainly kept any prying eyes out.
Lola studied the street address as her heart jumped into her throat.That’s where Valerie lives.No more than a fifteen-minute drive away.
But she doesn’t want anything to do with me.
I have to respect that.
I have to let her live however she wants, just as she’s allowed me.
“What’s up?”Tommy stepped out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist.
Lola groaned.“I figured out where Valerie lives.It’s not far from here.”She splayed her fingers over her eyes.
“And you want to go over there and make everything better?”Tommy sounded matter-of-fact.
“I want to.More than anything in the world.But she wants to build a new life with this guy.If Jenny’s correct, Valerie hasn’t exactly had an easy go of it the past six months or so.If she’s found happiness, I have to respect that.”
Tommy clucked his tongue as he pressed at his flowing wet hair, flashing droplets across the wall.“You sound very unlike any Sheridan woman I’ve met.”
“Very funny.”Lola stuck out her tongue.“Because we’re all so damn nosy?”
“Something like that,” Tommy returned with a mischievous smile as he headed toward the bedroom.“Speaking as a loner myself, I can only say Valerie probably appreciates the time you’re giving her.Sometimes, people need solitude.”
Lola’s stomach twisted as she leaned back in her chair, contemplating this advice.She then grabbed her phone to text the other “former loner” she knew, Christine, for verification.
LOLA: Hey Chris!I have a bit of a complicated situation over here.I just learned the identity and the location of Valerie’s new boyfriend here on the island.I can only assume that Valerie’s living there with him, only fifteen minutes away.All I want in the world is to talk to her.
Lola staggered to a stop, puffing her cheeks out.How could she describe what she needed to know without insulting Christine?
LOLA: Tommy says that I should give her space to think.Naturally, as a Sheridan woman, I don’t want to give her even a second to herself.Tommy suggests that all Sheridan women are just too nosy— but I have to admit, I don’t think that’s part of your game.
LOLA: What’s your advice?
Christine wrote back a few minutes later.
CHRISTINE: OMG, look at this milk spill I got all over the couch.
Lola laughed at the photo Christine sent, which featured a screaming Mia and a bunch of milk across three cushions.The white liquid bubbled and soaked into the couch.It brought Lola all the way back to her early days with baby Audrey, scrambling around with a baby and a stupid dream of being a journalist.
CHRISTINE: Pumping will be the death of me, I swear.
CHRISTINE: But anyway, back to your question.
CHRISTINE: During my very, very lonely times, I was so sure I was a loner.That I didn’t need anyone.Not to put Tommy on the spot, but I’m pretty sure the proof that the “loner” lifestyle isn’t for him lies in the fact that he’s marrying you THIS WEEKEND.Full stop.
CHRISTINE: My point?Sometimes, people don’t know what they need.I certainly didn’t.If you had asked me two years ago, I’d have told you that all I wanted to do was get drunk with my stupid New York City boyfriend, Frank, and make pastries for celebrities.Compared to my milk-stained reality, it sounds so glamourous.(LOL.Not.)
CHRISTINE: If Valerie’s “show” at your bachelorette party told me anything, it’s this: She needs you, probably a whole lot more than she wants to admit.
THAT FRIDAY, JUNE 17th,was Lola Sheridan and Tommy Gasbarro’s wedding rehearsal dinner.It was decided that the women would prepare for the night ahead at Susan’s house, a sort of “kickstart” to the weekend that included plenty of bubbling champagne, beautiful bouquets, little snacks, and plenty of music.Susan opened all the doors of the house to allow the breeze to bluster in from the Vineyard Sound, and the smell of lilacs enveloped the home.Lola sat at the edge of one of Susan’s couches, cupping her elbows nervously as Christine went through Lola’s makeup bag, hand-selecting their essentials for the night.
“You look white as a sheet,” Christine noted when she lifted her eyes toward Lola’s.