Page 50 of The Vineyard Bride
“I see you’ve eaten all the icing off your cake, honey,” Lola teased.“You’re my daughter, aren’t you?”
“You’re spot on, Mom.”Audrey jumped up to wrap her arms around her mother’s waist.“Are you walking around demanding that everyone compliments you?”
“It’s the only day you’re legally allowed to do that,” Amanda agreed.
Lola laughed and scanned across Amanda to Sam, who sat contemplatively, a forkful of cake lifted.After a dramatic pause, Lola’s smile fell as she said something very strange.
“Sam.If I said the numbers: DTXQ12 to you, what would you say in return?”
All the color drained from Sam’s cheeks.He placed the fork against the side of his plate and leaned forward.“Did you read that in the file?”
Lola closed her eyes as her shoulders drooped.
“Mom.What’s going on?”Audrey demanded.
Lola stepped around Audrey and collapsed in the chair next to Amanda, speaking to both Amanda and Sam as her fingers toyed with the lace of her dress.
“You remember my friend, Valerie,” she began.“Who was quite upset with me at my bachelorette party.”
“Of course,” Amanda affirmed.
“Well, she ended up with that guy on the island.The one she said she’d met.I wanted to reach out to her, tell her that I hated that we’ve drifted apart.But when I got to Harry’s place, I found that it was totally trashed.Rusted cars in the yard.A scary Rottweiler in the garage.And a pile of license plates, including...”
“DTXQ12,” Sam whispered, flabbergasted.
“You’re kidding,” Amanda gasped.
Lola shrugged.“I was totally blown away when I saw it.Harry was inside, screaming at Valerie, but when they discovered me, Valerie wouldn’t come out.When I got home, it was full-scale wedding-wedding-wedding, and I didn’t want anything to ruin the day.But I see you two, Sam and Amanda, plus Beatrice over there, still dancing with my father, and I think...This guy needs to be put away.Immediately.”
Sam nodded firmly, his eyes alight.“You found him.”
“I don’t know.I don’t know.”Lola pressed the tips of her fingers across her forehead.“But if it is him...”
Sam erupted from his chair, reaching for his phone.“I’ll take care of it, Lola.Get back to enjoying yourself.”
Amanda stood up with him, linking her fingers with his.Lola nodded as she whispered, “I just hope and pray that Valerie isn’t somehow involved in all this.”
“She met him after the accident,” Amanda remembered.
“Yes, but...”Lola trailed off for a moment.“Women do terrible things for men who manipulate them.My Valerie didn’t have love for a long, long time.I just hope she’s strong enough to step away.”
Tommy appeared behind Lola, wrapping his arms around her.It was as though he’d sensed something was amiss.“What’s going on, baby?”
“I think we might have found the man who caused the accident.He’s a little too close to home,” Lola breathed.