Page 31 of Screwed
“Good girl,” he whispered, leaning closer to me once more as he finger-fucked me harder. “Come for me.” He kissed me for the first time since he had stepped foot into the laundry room, a kiss filled with unspoken desires and words we had long since forgotten. His tongue slipped between my lips at the same moment he pressed down on my clit, and I came. Hard. I cried out into his mouth, my pussy gripping his fingers as I trembled on his hand.
Ray kept his fingers moving, riding me through my orgasm. “You’re so goddamn pretty when you come, Mila.”
I rested my head against the wall again, trying to catch my breath. “What was all that about?”
“I already told you. You’re mine for the month, and I plan on making the most of that time. Especially now that I know you want to be mine as well. I plan on using every last drop of you.” I watched as he slipped his hand from my pants, putting his fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean.
I scoffed, even as my blood heated from the scene in front of me. “Where the hell did you get that idea?”
“You could’ve run. But you didn’t.” He shrugged. “The only logical explanation is you want to be mine. For now, at least.”
“Or, I just felt bad leaving you in this hellhole all by yourself. Did you consider that possibility?”
Ray grinned at me, straightening my shirt with the ease of a protector. “Call it what you want, babydoll. But you’re still here, and I just watched you fall apart on my fingers. And damn if you didn’t look good doing it.”
“Shut up,” I muttered, but I couldn’t help the smile growing on my lips. “Is it safe for us to go yet? I feel like this laundry room only has so much air left in it.”
“Hold on.” He pressed his ear against the door, his expression shifting from pleased to serious.
I leaned back, examining him in the faint light. I knew if I reached out, stroked his neck, he would curl into my touch. I knew he was still likely rock hard beneath his jeans, but he ignored it to get me off. I knew his left ribs were ticklish, a weak point I had often used to get my way.
I knew these things because I knew Ray, whether I wanted to or not. He was ingrained in me as deeply as one could be. And he was right. I had been able to leave him once, but leaving him twice was something my damaged soul couldn’t afford. He continued. “I can’t hear them, so I think we’re okay. Let’s give it another minute or so, then we should be good to get back into the basement.”
“Okay.” I chewed on my lip, trying to figure out how to phrase what I wanted to say. It wasn’t the easiest thing to ask - Collapse or no Collapse.
“Would you...” My tongue was heavy, tangled up on itself. But the words needed an escape, lest I live with regret for the rest of my life.
“Would you run away with me? Away from the city. I have a pretty good camp set up. It’s not a solid house or anything, but it’s not bad. And we could always find something else...” I trailed off, his silence making me nervous.
He sighed, an answer in itself. “It’s okay. I know you have a lot to think about. And leaving the city is hard for anyone, no matter how screwed up it is now.” It didn’t mean my heart wasn’t twisting in my chest at the idea of leaving him again. I knew I couldn’t stay in the city forever, and I’d need to take the next opportunity I got. No hesitation next time.
“It’s not that,” Ray murmured. He reached out a hand to push my wild hair out of my face. “I have to think about my sisters too. Don’t get me wrong, I want them out of the city. But leaving with two young girls means everything has to be planned down to the second. I can’t afford any loose ends or mistakes.”
“I get it.” And I did. I understood his obligations. I was technically free and could escape whenever the odd chance arose. With Ray’s sisters in mind, it convoluted a typically easy plan. We’d have to make sure they were close by, or go back and get them. Nothing could be spur of the moment.
He leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss to my forehead. “If the chance arises for all of us to leave, then I’ll take it. No questions asked. But I can’t risk my sisters’ lives on a maybe.”
I grabbed his hand without thinking, squeezing it tightly in a gesture reminiscent of our relationship a decade ago — not the one now. “Don’t feel like you ever have to explain yourself to me. It’s going to work out how it’s going to work out, and neither of us have any control over that.”
Ray laughed without humor. “Don’t I know it.” He poked his head out the door, opening it wider. “We’re good.”
I was just about to step into the hallway when Ray spoke again. “I do need you to agree to one thing for me.”
He was out of the room, fully illuminated now, the edges of his curls peeking out from the bottom of his hoodie. “Anything.”
“If something happens to me, if I...” He was silent, shaking off unwanted thoughts. “If something happens to me, or if I tell you to, I need you to take my sisters and run. We’re still in the same apartment. Supplies are hidden in the loose floorboard, the one next to the bathroom. You take them, and you get them to safety no matter what.”
I knew the floorboard he was talking about, because it was a hidey hole we had built together in university. Back then we used it to hide the good booze when we had parties, or a stash of weed if his landlord was coming by for an inspection. I assumed those weren’t the kind of supplies he meant anymore. I nodded. “I’ll do what I can. But we’ll wait for you at the edge of the forest. For as long as we can.”
Ray shook his head. “I need to know they’re safe.”
“They’ll be safe.” I crossed my arms. “But I’m not leaving the city again without trying to save the person telling me to run.” He cocked his head to the side, watching me from behind his mask. “You mean… Olivia? Was she the one who told you to run?”
I was expecting him to ask, but hearing her name out loud gripped my heart like a vice. “I don’t want to talk about it.” I pushed past him, headed toward the kitchen.