Page 44 of Screwed
“No,” I whispered. I grabbed for the bedsheets again, looking for some purchase to anchor me through Ray’s thrusts. Raising my hips, I met him each time he plunged back into me. My breaths turned into gasps, my body ready to cave to his demands once more.
“Come for me, Mila. Come for me and only me. Only ever me.” He drove himself harder, faster, grinding against my clit. It was too much, too many different sensations, and I couldn’t control my need to let go.
We came at the same time, his name a sigh on my lips as pleasure rushed through my veins and spread throughout my limbs. Ray whispered my name as he released and trembled inside me.
God. I never wanted to be alone ever again. I never wanted to be without Ray ever again. He grimaced when he withdrew, lying next to me on the bed and pulling me to lie on top. I absentmindedly traced the rough snake tattooed on his chest, until he stilled my hand.
“Once you’re in, you’re in for life,” he murmured. “It’s why I haven’t tried to leave before now. Because they would always come looking, and where would I hide with two young girls?”There was a hesitation in his voice, as if he was afraid of what my response would be. But we had all done things to get by in this world.
We all had marks on our souls, stains on our hearts. Ray’s just happened to be visible, tattooed on his skin for all to see. “What changed your mind?” He squeezed me close.
“Some girl I used to know showed up. She reminded me what it was like to have hope. Or was just stubborn enough to make an escape work.”
I laughed quietly. The second option sounded more likely. Regardless, I was happy Ray had decided to take the chance. Even if we died trying...
No. I couldn’t afford to think like that. We’d all get out of here, alive. Safe. Free. That was the only option I allowed to take up space in my mind. I rested my head on Ray’s chest, listening to the steady beats of his heart and the quiet breaths he drew. This was what had been missing from my life in the woods. Ray. Love. People. Maybe I had made a mistake in staying isolated for so long. Maybe I should’ve tried harder to find him on my supply runs. Or maybe that would’ve been a big mistake too. He ran his hands over my bare skin, and as our breaths slowed, we drifted off into an easy rest together.
A quiet knock at my door startled us both from our dozing. “Ray,” I hissed. “Ray, hide!” He gave me a look of bewilderment, still half asleep, when he darted underneath the thin blankets. It wouldn’t do much at all to hide him, but hopefully I’d be able to stall whoever was in the hallway.
“One second!” I pulled on my clothes, positive I looked a hot mess, and stumbled to see who it was. It had to be another girl, because no brother would wait so long to be granted entrance.
I swung open the door to find an exhausted-looking Hannah on the other side.
“Hey,” she murmured. “Can I come in?”
“Umm...” I looked over my shoulder to see a very clear human-sized lump on my bed. “Now isn’t really a great time.” Hannah rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, you got better plans? Come on, it’s important.” It must have been important because she pushed past me into my room. She left the door open just a sliver – approved by the Kingsnakes. I couldn’t breathe. Hopefully, Ray could stay hidden. Or if she noticed, hopefully she could keep our secret. I hadn’t told her because I was hoping to keep her safe. If she knew, she’d become an accomplice.
“What’s up?” I asked. She looked even worse than yesterday, dark circles ringing both eyes, and her pallor was whiter than paper.
“Well… uh...” She twisted her hands inside the sleeves of her worn sweater, not meeting my eyes. “Maybe I should sit down.” Before I could protest, Hannah sat on the end of my bed, right on top of Ray’s leg. My eyes widened, and she looked at me in confusion.
“Mila… is there someone in your bed?” I couldn’t tell if there was shock or teasing lacing her voice.
“Um, well you see, I was just trying to protect you. I didn’t want you to have to hide another secret, and uh...” I trailed off as she whipped the covers off my bed, exposing a shirtless Ray. Thank God, he grabbed the sheet before she saw anything else. “Holy shit,” she whispered. “So therewassome truth to Laura’s accusations after all.”
Ray smiled awkwardly. “It’s kind of a long story.” Hannah shook her head, looking back and forth between us. “I don’t even know where to start. But if you guys are happy, then I’m happy. As messed up as all of this is.”
I breathed a silent prayer. I knew if she wasn’t half as distracted, it would’ve been a hell of a lot longer conversation. I’d take what I could get.
I chewed on my lip, and Ray silently motioned to get Hannah out of the room. I knew he needed to leave as soon as he could, but Hannah was lost in a world of her own, staring through the open slats of my window. “Uh, Hannah? You said it was important?”
“Oh, yeah.” She tossed her red hair out of her face, giving me a sad smile. “It just felt wrong to ruin the first moment of happiness any of us have experienced with what I have to tell you.”
Ray and I met each other’s eyes. There was no way to know what she was going to say. Has the Choosing been moved up? Any number of things could go wrong to screw up our plans. “Okay...”
Hannah took a deep breath and threw her shoulders back. “I’m pregnant.”