Page 120 of Collision
Chapter thirty
Eight Years Ago
“Mik’s dropping out of college.” I pass another beer to Ben as he drags his eyes from the football game on the screen and furrows his brow.
“What?” His confusion would be amusing if it wasn’t the same fucking face Mom and I have been wearing for the last six days.
“Don’t ask.” I sigh as Ben glances to the door closed between us and the women of my family. “I’m guessing it’s something to do with the boyfriend.”
Ben’s eyes dart back to me and I roll my eyes. Of course that’s news to him. And of course he looks like I’ve just slapped him with a cold fish.
I bring my bottle to my lips. “Mhmm. They’ve been pretty serious for about a year. Seriously, this is why you need to come home more often. You need to catch up.”
Ben shifts in his seat and drags his eyes back to the screen.
Two years.
Two long fucking years of this sulky shit whenever Mik comes up in conversation. I’m honestly not sure if he hates her or wants her, but either way; it’s getting old.
“Anyway,” I continue, “he’s moving out of state now he’s graduating. Got some fancy role in a tech start-up and she wants to follow. She swears she’ll pick up classes there but I don’t know, dude. He’s very-”
A loud rapping on the door cuts me off and I push to my feet. A long, low groan threatens to erupt as I’m faced with the very same man hell-bent on killing my sister’s future.
“Hey, Matthew.” I grumble, making my way back to the couch and not bothering to look to see if he follows.
“Mik about?” Not even a hi.Nice.
“In the kitchen with Mom.” I glance to Ben and see his eyes roll over Matthew, no doubt sussing him out. “This is Ben.”
Matthew’s eyes are ice when they meet Ben’s and he makes no attempt to hide the distain that mars his features. He nods tightly and grunts at us both.
“Yeah.” He turns back to the kitchen, his muscles suddenly tense and a distinct aura of intolerance waving off of him. “I know who he is.”
He pushes his way into the kitchen and I watch as Mikaela instantly jumps off of the counter and glances back to us. Whatever she’s told Matthew about Ben, she definitely doesn’t want them in the same room.
Five Years Ago
“Jamie, where are you? It’s Mom. Jamie you need to get here. Please. I - I can’t do this without you and…”
The air is not breathable.
I haven’t heard from Mik in months. Not since Matthew and I got into it again. Not since he broke my nose. Now we take turns with Mom. We have a schedule. A schedule that Mik’s voicemail throws out of the window.
I can’t breathe.
“I don’t know how long she’s got left in her Jamie and I’m all alone here. Matthew - Matthew wasn’t able to come with me and I need you. I know we haven’t spoken in a while but I need you, JimJam. I need my brother. Please.”
I can hear the words she doesn’t want to say hanging in the dead air before the message cuts out: it’s time.
Suddenly I can’t move fast enough. My shoulder isn’t aching in the same way it was seconds ago, my head isn’t pounding.
It’s clear.
Everything is painfully clear and I need to get out of here.