Page 27 of MissBEHAVED
I stepped back and unbuckled my pants as she went into her walk-in closet. She reappeared a minute later in a robe with two hangers in her hand.
“These are for your pants and shirt so they don’t get all wrinkled.”
“Thanks, babe.” I took them from her and hung my clothes, then handed them back to her to put in the closet.
While she was gone, I climbed onto the bed and adjusted the pillows so they were behind me when I sat up against the headboard, dressed only in my boxer briefs and undershirt. When she came out a minute later, now dressed in a silk nightgown that stopped mid-thigh, that’s how she found me.
“What are you doing?” She paused just outside the closet door and eyed me warily. “Aren’t we going to bed?”
“We will, but we’re going to have our chat first,” I replied. “Are you ready for bed?”
“I need to wash my make up off and brush my teeth.” She crossed her arms over her chest to hide the way her nipples had hardened, but I saw them. She may not want a spanking, but me taking charge definitely turned her on.
“Go do that so we can get down to business.”
She hesitated for a moment, then rushed into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. I heard the toilet flush and then the water run for several minutes, then silence. Finally, right when I thought I might have to go retrieve her, the door opened, and she appeared.
“Come over here and lie across my lap.” I patted my thighs and held out my hand.
“But what about my parents and their guests?” Her attempt at getting out of this was cute but futile.
“Aren’t you the one who said they were two floors below us just a little while ago? Now stop stalling and come here.” I beckoned her over and patted the bed. She came over, taking tiny baby steps, wringing her hands the whole way.
“I’m sorry, Dixon,” she said as she climbed onto the bed. “I should have told you the theme of the night.”
She squirmed into place, and I smoothed a hand down the silky material covering her back, rubbing until she settled down.
“Yes, you should have. You can’t be afraid to have difficult conversations with me. If it scares you, that means it’s something we should talk about. Avoiding things by hiding them from me will land you in this exact position every time.” I slid the nightgown over her ass, revealing a black lace thong. “Isn’t this uncomfortable to sleep in?”
She wiggled her butt when I traced the edge of the lace. “I didn’t plan on having it on long.”
I chuckled. “You were right, but not for the reason you were probably thinking. Lift up.”
She complied, and I slid the lace over her round cheeks and down her legs until they were hanging from her ankles.
“Now,” I said, laying one arm over her back and one over her thighs. “I’m going to talk and you’re going to listen for a little while. I also have strong feelings for you, feelings that feel like I’m falling in love with you. You’ve quickly become my best friend and the first person I want to talk to in the morning and the last person I want to talk to at night. It might be fast to some, but I think it’s right for our timeline. Yes, there’s lots more to learn about each other, but I love what we’re building. I love that you’re smart and independent but also willing to let me be in control. And I even love that you’re worried about pressuring me into things before I’m ready, though I don’t like your methods for preventing that. So, the bottom line is that I’m falling in love with you, too, Melody, and I’m glad you feel the same way.”
I heard a sniffle right before she whispered, “I’m so sorry I got scared, Dixon.”
“I know you are, babe. But don’t you feel better now that our feelings are out in the open. It’s not so scary anymore, right?”
“It’s still kind of scary, but now I know we’re on the same page,” she replied, wiping the tears that were leaking out of her eyes.
“What’s scary, Mellie?” I rubbed her back underneath her nightgown, trying to ease her worries. I didn’t like seeing her cry over our relationship, at all. It was twisting up my gut.
“I just worry that we’re moving too fast, that we’re going to get burned.”
“I don’t know how to ease that fear other than to tell you that I’m right there with you. Feeling the same things. This isn’t one-sided. And I’d never do anything to intentionally hurt you.”
She shuddered and then laughed. “Except spank my butt.”
I chuckled. “Yes, except that. Are we good now?”
“Yes, I’m still worried, but I’m okay now.”
“We just need to keep communicating, keep talking about your worries and fears. I’m not going to push for more than you’re ready for, but you have to tell me how you’re feeling and not just run or hide. Okay?”
“Yes, okay.”
“Good. Now that we’ve cleared that up, we need to address the fact that you did hide something from me in order to avoid this conversation.” I rested my right hand on her ass. “That wasn’t very honest of you, was it?”
“No, it wasn’t. I’m sorry.”
“Tell me why I’m about to give you a spanking.”
“Because I broke rule three by not telling you tonight was a Valentine’s dinner because I didn’t want to admit that I’m falling in love with you.”
“That’s right. Hiding important things like that from me is not acceptable. Do you understand, Melody?”
“Yes, I understand.”
“Good.” With that, I raised my hand right hand and brought it firmly down on her behind, which elicited a loud yelp from Mellie. “Bury your face in the bed and try to be quiet. This won’t be a long spanking, but it will get my point made.”
She nodded, and I started up a fast rhythm, alternating sides with firm smacks until her entire bottom was bright pink. Mellie did her best to not make any noise but, by the last few, she could barely hold in her squeals. Even though she said they couldn’t hear us from two floors down, I didn’t want someone to go for a snack in the kitchen and then come investigate her yelping.
“That’s enough for tonight. I had a nice time at dinner, and I don’t want to ruin the whole evening. But you are going to spend ten minutes in the corner while I brush my teeth and get ready for bed. Got it?”
“Yes,” she said, her words muffled by the comforter.
“Good girl.” I helped her up and into the corner by the closet door, instructing her to hold her nightgown up over her ass and not move her hands.
When I came out, she was in the same position, and I took a moment to admire her round ass and smooth legs. Her hair was messy from being over my lap, and her face, which I could only see in profile, was simply beautiful.
“Mellie”—she turned to look at me—“punishment is over. Come lie with me in bed.”
She gave me a shy smile, dropped her nightgown, and took my outstretched hand.
“I’m very sorry, Dix. I just got scared again,” she said as we crawled under the covers.
“I know, and I’ll always be here to remind you that you’re safe and there’s nothing to be afraid of with me.”