Page 33 of MissBEHAVED
He slid one hand between my thighs and began playing with my clit while the other kneaded my ass, encouraging me to relax the tight muscles there. The hand on my butt disappeared, and I ignored the sounds I heard next—the snick of a bottle opening, a small plop, the bottle closing—instead focusing on Dixon’s other hand and the magic it was creating.
The massage hand returned, except it didn’t start massaging again, and I lost the magic hand, too.
“Hold still,” he commanded as he spread my ass cheeks and I felt a cold hard object press against my bottom hole. “Push out and relax.”
I did as he said, praying nothing would come out when I pushed. It burned and I took quick breaths through my nose as the pain crested, then subsided.
“It’s in. How does it feel?”
I wiggled my hips a little, feeling the plug shift when I moved. It didn’t hurt, but I definitely knew it was there.
“Weird, but it’s fine.”
“Good. Now you’re ready for your punishment.”
His hands moved again, this time getting into spanking position—one hand resting on my bottom, the other gripping my waist to hold me in place.
“Tell me why you’re being punished today.”
“Because I was disrespectful and embarrassed you when I called you a liar.” I felt horrible admitting it out loud, which I suppose was the point. Dixon hadn’t lied to me once. In fact, he’d been nothing but forthcoming and open about his wants and needs.
“That’s correct.”
That was all he said before he started smacking my ass, quickly turning up the heat, faster than he ever had before. After only one or two spanks on each side, it felt like his hand was made of concrete and big enough to cover my whole behind at once. The fact that there was a foreign object in my ass became a distant memory as he administered my punishment.
“I’m sorry, Dixon,” I cried, trying my best to escape his grip. “I won’t do it again. I promise.”
He ignored my pleas and kept spanking. Left, right, left, right. It felt like it went on forever when, in reality, it was probably only five minutes. He didn’t say a word. Didn’t respond to my repeated apologies or cries for mercy. It didn’t take long for tears to start coursing down my cheeks, soaking the pillow beneath me.
Finally, when it felt like my ass might burst into flames, he stopped. The only sounds in the room were my sniffling and his heavy breathing. His hand rested on my heated behind.
“I know that hurt a lot, Mellie, but that was a true punishment spanking. It’s supposed to hurt. It’s supposed to act as a reminder not to call me names I don’t deserve again. Do you understand? Are you going to be able to deal with that in the future? Because as much as I’d like to say you’ll never be in a position to get one of these again, I doubt that’s true with your temper.”
He’d warned me that this was what he wanted. That there were rules, and consequences for breaking those rules. But this spanking did not compare to the ones he’d given me previously; those were love taps in comparison to the punishment he’d just administered. He was a man on a mission to make a point, and he certainly drove it home.
Could I handle a spanking like that again? I considered the question and realized that, even though my butt was throbbing, I felt better. All the guilt and anger from our fight was gone. He’d apologized for his part, I’d been spanked for mine, and we could put this behind us and move on with our lives.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to sit for a week,” I said after a moment. “But it’s nothing I can’t handle, not that I want a repeat anytime soon.”
He let out a breath I didn’t know he was holding. “No, probably just for today. I didn’t leave any marks, it’s just very red.”
I nodded and rubbed my eyes into the pillow to clear them. He gave me an out and I didn’t take it, even after the worst spanking of my life, and he hadn’t said the punishment was over yet.
“Now ten minutes in the corner so you can calm down,” he announced as he read my mind.
I almost told him I’d calm down faster lying in bed, but I held my tongue and crawled off the bed, the plug again making its presence known as I walked to the corner and stood facing the wall, hands clasped in front of me.
“I’m going to get some water from the kitchen. I’ll be right back.” I felt him move around, probably pulling pants on over his boxer briefs so my father didn’t get an eyeful on camera, then leave the room.
Being alone gave me the opportunity to think for the first time since I opened my eyes. The last half hour felt like a blur, but I wasn’t under the influence or groggy. I’d accepted everything Dixon said, and agreed to anal sex, with my eyes wide open. I shut down the little voice in my head that told me I was nuts, hoping that, in time, it would disappear. I enjoyed being with Dixon, I liked that he wanted to take care of me and be in charge, and I even wanted him to hold me accountable.
I let out a long breath and let everything go. All the stress of the last few days, the worry over our relationship… I released it and prepared to give Dixon what he wanted. Control. Power. Trust.
It wasn’t long before he returned, entering the room, and closing the door softly behind him. I held my position even though I really wanted a hug. Thankfully, he knew what I needed and came straight to me.
“Come here,” he said, turning me around and pulling me into his arms. I relaxed into his hold immediately. “How are you doing?”
“I’m okay. How are you?”
“I don’t like having to punish you like that, but I will, and I’ll do it harder for repeat offenses. I believe in living this way, but now that you got a taste of what that really means, do you? I know I already asked, but you’ve had a little more time to think so I want to make sure we’re on the same page. If you’re not, we can walk away friends. I won’t hold it against you. This lifestyle is not for everyone, though I hope it’s for you.”
I took my time formulating my answer, going over my thoughts and feelings. Dixon needed the reassurance as much as I’d needed his arms wrapped around me.
“It hurt. A lot. But I knew the rules and I let my temper get the best of me. It wasn’t fair of me to call you a liar. I should have left quietly and talked to you afterwards. I’m not going to sit there and let someone insult me, but I should have been the bigger person and not brought myself down to her level.” I paused and looked up at him. “So even though it hurt, I agree with the punishment and I believe in our relationship, too. It’s a relief to know that we’ll leave this in the past and move forward—wipe the slate clean.”
“I’m glad to hear you say that.” He gave me a squeeze then stepped back. “Now, go lie down on your back so I can show you how much I appreciate you.”
“On my back?”
“Yes,” he replied with a light smack to my behind. “Don’t question me. Go lie down.”
I scurried into position, not wanting to get any more spankings today, making Dixon chuckle at my eagerness.
He took off his pajama bottoms and underwear, leaving us both naked and aroused. My nipples peaked at the sight of his hard cock standing tall for me. He stroked it once, twice, as he took me in.
His eyes hooded as he moved toward me, filled with a dark promise that I couldn’t decipher, though he didn’t leave me wondering for long.
He dropped to his knees at the edge of the bed and growled his intentions.
“I’m going to make you feel so good you’ll never think about running away from me again.”