Page 34 of MissManaged
Chapter Fifteen
“Charlie, dear, would you like some iced tea?” Allison asked, drawing my focus away from my laptop screen.
I was in Tobin’s parents’ kitchen working with his mother on an ad campaign for fall products. Even though it was the height of summer, we needed to get moving on a plan and be ready to roll it out right after Labor Day.
“Thanks, Mrs. Daniels,” I replied, earning a head shake from her.
“I’ve told you a hundred times to call me Allison. If you don’t start listening to me, I’m going to have to get my son involved,” she replied in a sing-song voice with a twinkle in her eye.
“Oh… um,” I stammered. “I don’t know what you mean.”
It was a blatant lie, but she’d caught me completely off guard with her teasing.
She poured us each a glass of tea and sat down at the table next to me, sliding my laptop out of the way and setting the drink down in front of me.
“You don’t have to hide anything about your relationship with Toby from me, but you also don’t have to feel obligated to share everything either.” She chuckled and shook her head. “In fact, don’t tell me everything. There are some things a mother doesn’t need to know.”
My face turned bright red and all I could say was, “Okay.”
“I’m sorry for embarrassing you, Charlie,” she said. “What I’m trying to say is that I know being in a relationship with discipline is new to you and if you have any questions, I’m here for you.”
“Did he tell you about what we do?” I blurted out, eyes wide at the implication. I did not want his parents knowing the intimate details of what we did.
“No, no,” she assured me. “Nothing except that you were working on establishing yourselves and that it wasn’t something you were used to.”
I nodded and swallowed thickly, considering her offer. Having a mother to confide in or learn from would be nice. My mother only taught me how to keep my father happy with no consideration of my needs. But would Allison put her son’s wishes above my feelings the same way? I suppose there was only one way to find out.
“It’s definitely a way of life I’d never been open to before. I don’t know if he told you, but my father was an awful, controlling tyrant and it was almost impossible for me to understand how having rules and letting your boyfriend discipline you was any different.”
She nodded. “I can see how your past would make you reluctant to agree to a relationship like that, but if Tobin ever becomes even a tiny bit tyrannical, you come see me and I’ll set him straight. And if that doesn’t work, you leave.”
“Really? You wouldn’t tell me to try harder or just do what he says?”
“Never.” Her eyes narrowed and she drummed her fingers against the table. “You must agree to everything, and everything must be consensual. If he’s overstepping the agreement, then he’s at fault, and neither me nor his father will be on any side but yours. Now, if you break an agreed-upon rule, I won’t be interfering in that situation.”
I nodded as I absorbed her words, then decided to be brave and ask her a question that had been bothering me.
“Do you ever feel awkward and embarrassed about being punished? Like, I think to myself that I’m a grown woman and I shouldn’t do this. And I definitely shouldn’t like it.” My face flamed at my admission, but Allison didn’t laugh at me or make me feel bad.
“In the beginning I did, but that’s just the voice of society in your head. You are in charge of your life. Not your parents or your friends or anyone else. If you like the dynamic, then there’s nothing to feel awkward or embarrassed about. It’s nobody’s business but yours and Tobin’s,” she said firmly.
I let her words sink in for a moment before I nodded.
“Thank you, Allison. I appreciate you being willing to support me and answer my questions.” I took a sip of tea and set it aside, pulling my laptop back. “Now let’s get these ads finished up so we can get your cheese in every restaurant and store in the area.”
While I was grateful for her openness, I didn’t want to spend any more time talking to my boyfriend’s mother about discipline. Maybe in time I’d grow to be as comfortable as she seemed to be with the topic, but I wasn’t there yet.
Thankfully, she let the discussion go without another comment or even a smirk. “Are you busy after this? I have to run to Ellicottville to look for a birthday present for a friend, and if you’re free, you could join me for some shopping and lunch?”
“That would great.” I didn’t hesitate before agreeing, deciding there was no need to mention I wouldn’t be able to buy very much, if anything at all. I promised myself I’d stick to my budget. I’d pay for my lunch and get one or two small things, just so it wasn’t weird. That was it.
Four hours later we returned to the farm, the back of Allison’s truck half full of bags, three of which were mine. I’d enjoyed my time with her and gotten carried away, swept up in the fun of having her tell me how good something would look on me and that I deserved to treat myself.
It wasn’t until we parked and Tobin was approaching the vehicle that I started to reconsider my spending.
“Uh oh,” I mumbled, trying to think of a way to spin this so I wouldn’t get in trouble.
“What, uh oh, Charlie?” Allison asked from the driver’s seat.
“Well,” I sighed knowing the outcome was inevitable. “I’m supposed to stick to a budget, that’s one of my rules, and I kind of blew that out of the water today.”
“Oh, Charlie. Why didn’t you say that was a rule?” she asked. “I wouldn’t have encouraged you to buy that sweater, or those jeans.”
She sounded so dismayed it made me feel terrible. “It’s not your fault. I should have said no.” Although, in my defense, I’d tried to decline, but she’d convinced me to go for it.
By now both Tobin and his father were standing outside the truck, watching us and looking confused.
“I guess we should get out,” I said, but not making a move to do so. Nervousness and trepidation kept me frozen in place. “This is only the second time I’ve broken a rule.”
Allison turned in her seat to face me.
“Do you want my advice?”
I nodded and faced her, ignoring the men outside the truck.