Page 4 of Save You
I sort of smile, giggle nervously, and wave, all before saying hello. To be honest, I wasn’t sure whether to curtsey, bow, hold out my hand, or offer to draw blood. So, instead, I fall into a sort of floppy hand flap.
“Oh dear,” she says back toward him, “we shall have to do something about that!”
I almost drop my mouth open in anger over her insinuation that I’m akin to a dog that needs training, even to simply say hello to somebody. However, I rein in my inner monologue of mostly expletives, and convince the words to stay inside of my head.
“Beth, my darling, come over here, let me look at you properly!” she says with outstretched arms and a quick pace over to me.
Once we’re face to face, I notice we are nearly the same height, though, with her looking the way she does, I feel about two feet tall. She takes hold of my hands, each in one of hers, and looks me up and down, as though silently assessing me while forming her own judgments. Her smile never falters, but it doesn’t make me feel any less uncomfortable.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs Lawrence,” I say with a tremble in my voice. I bet this is the wrong way to greet someone like her. However, I have no clue as to how these people expect you to treat future in-laws.
“Please, darling, call me Amanda. I am to be your mother-in-law after all!” She walks us over to the bathroom before turning me to look at her again. “I shall take you under my wing and we shall be great friends!”I’ll bet!“Now, into the shower with you, but leave your hair dry. We must make you look worthy of my son for your wedding rehearsal tonight. Oliver, darling?” she calls over to him as he watches our little interaction with quiet amusement. “Please adjust yourself; you know I would like you to keep thingstraditional. I trust everything was all clear from the doctor?”
He smiles smugly before nodding, “Of course, Mother.” She beams back at me like I’m somewhat more valuable.If only they knew!
“Good girl, my darling!” She leans in to kiss me on each cheek, creeping me out just as her son. “My darling boy will take good care of you tomorrow night, won’t you, Oliver?”
This sounds like more of an order than a question. Not that it matters, it’s still beyond repulsive for a mother to be talking about such a thing with her son, especially in front of his betrothed.
“Oh, don’t worry,” he grins, this time whilst looking at me, “I will give Beth exactly what she needs. I’m looking forward to it!”
“I bet you are! Now run along and get yourself ready,” she laughs as she shoos him off with her hand. Once the doors click closed, she turns to me eerily quickly. “I’ve heard my son is an excellent lover,” she informs me with a wink, then pushes me into the bathroom where I silently die of humiliation under the shower. I’ve always known this setup was beyond disturbing, but that little conversation was enough to make me vomit.