Page 1 of A Little Safe At Home
Chapter 1
Katie took a step back from the kitchen that practically sparkled, it was so clean. She smiled and let out a satisfied smile, trying to ignore the twinge of guilt in her tummy.
The kitchen had definitely needed some attention, but it wasn't necessarily the top priority she should have focused on for the better part of the day. She eyed the stack of paperwork Jeff had asked her to fill out. It was stuff about her and the kids that he needed to file with the Police Department so they could get insurance and benefits if anything were to happen to him. The idea of something happening to him was not something she could handle and she’d been avoiding the paperwork for weeks. When Jeff had left that morning for his guy’s weekend with Keith, he’d left her a list of things to do to keep her busy. Paperwork was at the top of the list, written in capital letters and underlined.
Katie nibbled her lip and looked longingly at the couch and TV in the other room. Her favorite show had just been added to Netflix and she'd been waiting for weeks to binge-watch it. She looked at the kitchen again. Screw the paperwork. She'd earned some downtime.
She threw some popcorn in the microwave and went to peek in on Noah and Claire. They were such great sleepers, a fact she was often thankful for. Feeling free, she skipped to her room and put on her favorite pjs just as the smell of popcorn filled the house. She continued skipping around the house, grabbing a soft blanket and her favorite snuggly pillow. Tossing them onto the couch, she went to collect her popcorn.
Just as she was snuggling in and queuing up her show her phone pinged.
She'd already said goodnight to Jeff when he called to say goodnight to the kids so she knew it had to be her Auntie Rose checking in on her.
How was your day, honey?Rose's text immediately gave her the warm fuzzies.
It was okay. I miss you,she responded. Rose had been planning to stay with her and the kids while Keith and Jeff were out of town but Rose’s aunt had unexpectedly come for a visit at the last minute. Katie started feeling pouty thinking about it again. She really didn't like being alone. She hoped to fall asleep on the couch while watching her show. The days were okay but the nights were something else.
I miss you too, little one. Have you been a good girl today?Katie rolled her eyes. Just like Rose to cut right to the chase. Just because she wasn't physically present didn't mean she would slack on her "Little-sitting" duties, apparently.
Yeeeees.Katie sighed as she typed.
Excuse me?Rose asked via text and Katie could almost see her eyebrows raise. Just the thought made her squirm, but she wasn't in the mood to give in so easily. Especially when Rose wasn’t there to do anything about her attitude.
Yes, I've been good,she typed, knowing full well she was being stubborn and kind of hoping Rose wouldn't let her get away with it.
Smh, stubborn little girl. Did you do the things you're supposed to do before watching your show?
I cleaned the kitchen really good. It really needed it.
Good girl, but what about the paperwork?
I'll do it tomorrow. I'm tired.
... Okay, little one, but you're not allowed to watch your show until that paperwork is finished. You need to be productive so you feel good when your Daddy gets home.
What?Katie fumed. She had been productive. She'd cleaned all day. She should get to relax and watch her show.I was productive! I cleaned and did laundry!
That's great but that wasn't the deal, little girl. No show until your stuff is done.
UGH!Katie could feel the indignation flow right out of her brain and through her fingertips as she pounded the letters on the screen of her phone.So being productive only counts if it's things you think are important. Great, thanks for that.
Corner. Now.
No. I'm watching my show and going to bed. Good night.
She regretted it as soon as she hit send, but she couldn't help it. She was mad and frustrated and she just needed to veg and forget the world. She would never fall asleep if she couldn't do something to shut off her brain. Tears pricked the backs of her eyes as her frustration manifested inside of her. She could feel the tantrum brewing.
Katie's phone rang in her hand and she hit the silence button without even looking at the screen. If she answered the phone, she would say things she didn't mean and get herself in more trouble.
Apparently Rose was not on the same page because Katie had to silence her call four more times before she stopped trying to get ahold of her. Her phone pinged with a text, but she didn't want to read it. Curling into herself on the couch, she put the final nail in her coffin and turned on her show.
Rose seethed as she collected her suitcase and the rest of the things she needed to stay with her girl for the rest of the week. It was supposed to be a surprise. She had spent a lovely day with her Aunt Nancy, then explained nicely that due to the lack of notice she had other plans and sent her on her way. She hadn't told Katie that, though, and her little girl was obviously a pouty mess, missing her Auntie. Her plan had been to come over first thing in the morning, let herself in with her spare key and surprise Katie and the kids with a full Auntie Rose breakfast feast. But no, Katie apparently had other plans.
Well, that was fine. Rose's arrival would still be a surprise and she could still make breakfast in the morning. The only difference was, her little girl would not be sitting comfortably when she ate it.
Rose did one last walk-through of the house, shutting off lights and unplugging unnecessary things. Mostly she was just trying to calm her temper before she got behind the wheel of her car. She didn't need to get a speeding ticket. Then they would both end up in trouble again and she definitely didn’t need that hanging over her head.
Once she was satisfied she had herself in check, she took her luggage out to the car. She'd already ordered the groceries she'd need for her special plans and they were being delivered to Katie's first thing in the morning. Everything was set; now all she had to do was set a naughty little girl straight.