Page 19 of Not Even Close
Innocent Conniving
Waiting impatiently on Xochitl’s bed, Vannah practically squirmed. She’d been up way late unable to sleep just thinking about everything that happened the night before, so she’d slept in today. Byron was beyond gorgeous and the sexiest man she’d ever met. But she still had no idea what to make of his demeanor, and she was dying to talk to Xochitl about it. Only by the time Vannah woke today, Xochitl was in the shower. It felt like the longest shower in the history of theworld,as Vannah waited for her to emerge from the bathroom.
“Oh mygawd,” Xochitl moaned as she walked into her bedroom wrapped in a towel. “I’ve taken two aspirins already, stood under the cool water for so long, and my head is still pounding. What happened last night?”
“What happened?” Vannah asked unbelievably. “You don’t remember?”
Xochitl shook her head with a frown. “I don’t. I just remember being at the noisy party one moment talking to some guy and then I woke here.”
“Some guy? Byron?”
“Byron. Beast’s brother from 5thStreet?”
With a blank expression Xochitl stared at Vannah shaking her head. “He was there?”
“No!”Vannah groaned slumping her shoulders. “I’ve been waiting all this time to ask you how he approached you and what he said.”
“Byron approachedme?”
“Yes,” Vannah said feeling incredibly disappointed. “You disappeared and I couldn’t find you. Someone said you left with a guy. A guy who was all over you, so I ran out to look for you. I saw him helping you into his car and stopped him.”
Vannah explained about accusing him of trying to take advantage of Xochitl as her friend listened intently, jaw dropping further with every word Vannah said. She gave her Byron’s version of what really happened and that in the end she believed him because it all made sense. But she’d still been anxious to hear Xochitl’s side of it.
“You really don’t rememberanyof it?”
Staring out into nothing and suddenly looking anxious, Xochitl shook her head slowly. “I just remember talking to that guy, the one we’d been talking to earlier.”
“The really pushy one, right?” Vannah nodded. “With the big gap in his front teeth?”
“Yeah, and then it’s all a blur.” She closed her eyes and concentrated. “It was crowded and—” Her eyes flew open. “I threw up.”
“Yes, you did!” Vannah said hoping that would jog any memories of Byron, since it happened in front of him. “By Byron’s car.”
“I don’t remember where or when, all I recall is how awful it felt.”
“Ugh!” Vannah fell back on the bed, but then sat right back up. “Anyway, you’ll be so proud of me. I even got his number.”
Filling her in as quickly as she could on how everything happened starting from the beginning, Xochitl hung on her every word, moaning in mortification at some parts and it had Vannah giggling. “You didn’t do anything stupid or to embarrass yourself. Mostly you were out of it. Then ended up passing out altogether.”
“Uh,spewing out in front of a frat house full of partying students, and then passing out is pretty damn embarrassing, Vannah.”
As usual Vannah was in stitches suddenly. But she attempted to compose herself, so she could tell Xochitl the rest. “But you were right about him being intense, holy shit.”
Vannah explained about Joseph and how there was no way she was going to wait for him or an Uber to get through that traffic. “So, when I called to let him know we weren’t going to wait for him, Joseph assumed I’d called an Uber. I just said we had because given the circumstances and me sitting right next to Byron, I didn’t want to get into the whole explanation and as soon as I hung up, he starts calling me a liar.”
The expression on her usually irritable friend made Vannah laugh again, but she went on because she was eager to get to the best part. Xochitl got dressed as Vannah gave her the blow by blow of the intense conversation she’d had with him. “He was almost smug about hitting it on the nose that this is my first time away from, quote unquote, mommy and daddy,andthat I don’t do the boyfriend thing.”
“What the hell?”