Page 25 of Not Even Close
Once again, the words had escaped him without thought but he didn’t even care. His first instincts had been right. There was no way he was going to be able to handle this shit. While he’d never understand it, and he was willing to see a shrink if need be, because this wasinsane, he felt ready to shove the rest of her enchilada tray at her and tell her to get thefuckout.
Those once again bewildered, huge eyes stared at him in question, then she shook her head. “He’s not a friend.” Feeling her hand on his arm was enough to calm him—a little. “I hate my parents paying for everything. I’ve been searching for this particular textbook online, so they don’t have to pay full price for it. This guy from OfferUp has it. I need it for tomorrow’s class, and he can meet with me but only in the next half hour.”
Feeling the insane tension draindrastically, Byron rolled his neck but was now concerned about something else. “So, you don’t know this guy and you’re meeting him to exchange money for a book? You know how dangerous that is?”
Vannah smiled. “I’m meeting him at the school. Inside the library. Perfectly safe. I never meet anyone unless it’s a public place.”
From the moment he’d seen her last night in that sexy as shit outfit and then again today he knew touching her might be the end of him. Giving into any temptations he had about her would only make staying away from her—like he should—that much harder.
But it just couldn’t be helped. Just like all his previous impulsive verbal outbreaks, Byron brought his arms around her neck and pulled her to him. To his surprise her tense body eased quickly, then her arms wrapped around him. Breathing in deeply he reminded himself he still had a chance to fight this. This was just his way of thanking her for her delicious food. Kissing the top of her head he knew he was in trouble. “You sure you’re gonna be okay? I could go with you.”
She tensed up for a moment again before looking up at him and smiled. “No. I’ll be fine. There’s security and all kinds of cameras there. The library is the place to go to do these kinds of textbook OfferUp sales.”
Gazing silently down at those eyes for a moment so long he knew he might regret it, he said something he knew could be even more regrettable. “You make and deliver food to all yourfriends?”
He’d never get enough of it. The first stupid thought that came to him nearly had him laughing—fifty shades of pink. Her face growing bright with color any time he said something that made her uncomfortable, wasfuckingadorable.
“No,” she said almost in a gasp. “Only my family and girlfriends.”
Once again, Byron made an impulsive decision. He’d take his chances and not push for more, because there was no way he wasn’t giving into this next unyielding temptation now that he had her at his door.
“Thank you,” he whispered cupping his big hands around her dainty face. “The food was absolutely delicious.”
Then he did the one thing he was certain he’d regret the most. He leaned in and kissed her.Deep. For as long as she’d let him, and to his surprise she was all in. He devoured her mouth and she let it go on for so long his rock-hard cock threatened to rip through his pants. But he knew there was so much more to this than a hot chick turning him on. When he finally pulled away and stared into those amazing eyes, heart pounding like it never had before, he knew he’d either made the best decision of his life or he’d just fucked up,royally.