Page 43 of Not Even Close
Daddy Dearest
What the fuck did it even matter? Byron thought as he flung the third shirt he’d tried on, onto the bed. He’d never obsessed about what he’d wear foranyoccasion. Her family had already seen him and at his worst anyway. What difference would his appearance make now? Talk about nightmare first impressions. Byron had never even contemplated meeting a girl’sdaddymuch less having dinner with her entire family just a week after their first kiss. Especially not after that clusterfuck incident at the gym. This wasinsane. Only good thing about this was this had to mean something, right? Had he nailed it when he’d begun to think Savannah might be too young to know you had no control over matters of the heart? If she was truly still serious about not doing the boyfriend thing with one guy—not several fuckingfriends—she would’ve balked at her dad inviting Byron to dinner with them, right? She wouldn’t have all but dropped off the face of the earth the moment he’d mentioned his overnight date this weekend. And it certainly wouldn’t have been the first thing she questioned today when she got the chance.
Halfway through rummaging through his closet for the perfect shirt that said casual yet respectfully dressed for a family dinner, he got the text from Irma and thankfully so. Byron had been so anxious about this damn dinner; he’d forgotten all about her. She said she was going to have to take a raincheck on tonight. A friend had gotten stuck with an extra ticket to the ballgame that evening, and she was going to take it. Being that normally she liked calling him and dragging out the conversation, Byron got the distinct feeling her friend was a dude and that’s why she went the text route. In case Byron might pose the question. But this was exactly what he meant about the things he felt for Savannah being so different from any other girl he’d hung with.Onlyreason Byron had even given a second thought to the fact that she might’ve cancelled with him for another dude, was to compare it to how different he’d be feeling if it’d been Savannah. Had it been Savannah, he would’ve called her back immediately and asked what friend. Even as short time as he’d known her, given his reaction at the gym he knew now it would’ve been more of a demand than a question. But he had to get his ass in check. After today and after they got a chance to talk later when he’d be sure to get things straight, his reactions would only get more severe.
In contrast his only response to Irma was a genuinely indifferent two-word text,noworries,then got right back to fretting about dinner. Finally, satisfied with his outfit and his hair, he was out the door. He’d told Savannah he’d be picking her up. No way was he arriving alone to face her family. After texting her to let her know he was on his way, he jumped in his car and inhaled deep, exhaling sharply.
“What the hell am I doing?” he whispered as he started out the parking lot of the shop.
Just last week he’d convinced himself he’d take the clothes she’d washed for him, thank her, and be done with it. Then just one kiss changed everything. Now here he was on his way to have dinner with her entire family.
The whole way to Savannah’s dorm he tapped away at the steering wheel reminding himself, just like when he was sitting at the dentist readying himself to get his teeth drilled that it’d all soon be a memory. Though now he wasn’t sure if he wouldn’t opt for a root canal instead of having to face her dad again. Was saving face really worth it? The memory of holding her today after the hell he’d been through since sincerely believing that was her yesterday, and knowing he’d be spending time with her again finally, made the answer to that easy.
Whatever grilling her dad might put him through tonight, and all the inevitable anxiety he’d be feeling until this dinner was over with, was totally worth the payoff.
When he arrived at Savannah’s dorm, she and her sister were already walking out to meet him. He tried not to look as uncomfortable as he felt seeing her walk out with her twin. She hadn’t mentioned he’d be picking them both up. But she had texted him earlier to ask him to please steer clear of bringing up why she hadn’t told him about having a twin in front of Nena. She said she’d explain that later.
Savannah appeared as nervous as he felt while her sister smirked smugly at the sight of him. The resemblance was uncanny. They even walked just as effortlessly in the dangerously high wedges they both wore. No wonder he’d thought them the same person. Though just like the times he’d picked up on the difference in the sweet laughter, there was a difference in their demeanor as well. So far it was the only thing that gave him hope he’d ever be able to tell them apart.
They reached his car and got in, Savannah in the front and her sister in the back. Byron turned to her sister. “Nena, right?”
He knew at least that much. Savannah had mentioned her sister enough times this past week, including how close they were. She’d just left out the most crucial piece of information.
“Well,” Nena smiled broadly. “We’ve always been Vannah and Nena to each other because we couldn’t say our names correctly when we were toddlers and then it just stuck. But it’s actually Sienna. I go by either, though.”
“Fair enough,” Already he’d decided Savannah was much prettier sounding than Vannah and he’d be using that instead from here on. Now that he knew this was their thing, he’d keep it that way. “Sorry about the way we met, Sienna. Any chance I can get a do over?”
She laughed reaching her hand out. “Sure thing. I’m Sienna Moreno, Vannah’s sister. And you are?”
Taking her hand, he shook it with a relieved smile. “Nice to meet you, Sienna. I’m Byron Ledesma, Savannah’s friend.”
He cleared his throat as he and Savannah’s eyes met but she glanced away quick enough. When he’d decided they were getting things straight tonight, he’d meant he’d ask point blank if there were any otherfriends, she made out with. If there was, he was out. Obviously, he wouldn’t be able to deal with that. But he wouldn’t push for more—yet. It was too soon, and he’d respect her wishesfor nowabout the no boyfriend rule. If he could at least get a promise of exclusivity he could live with whatever she chose to call their relation to one another.
They reached the restaurant he hadn’t been to in years, but he remembered it being good. It was kind of a surprise her family who owned their own Mexican restaurant would choose one to dine at. But then people came from all over for this restaurant’s famous tamales and Savannah had told him how her parents liked to stay up in the latest crazes when it came to Mexican cuisine.
As soon as Byron came around the car, he instinctively took her hand in his. They walked into the restaurant where her dad waved them down.
“My mom and other brother are in town too,” Savannah stated the obvious as Byron took in the large table they were seated at and all their curious faces.
Squeezing her hand, he did his best to be cool. “Wonderful.”
She laughed softly. “Mom, daddy,” she said as soon as they reached the table. “Let me formally introduce you to . . .” She paused for a moment pulling a strand of hair behind her ear and glancing away. “My friend Byron.” After introducing him to her parents she turned to her brothers who both seemed to be staring him down unimpressed. “Byron these are mylittlebrothers,” she said with a giggle since even sitting down there was no missing how much bigger they both were than their older sisters. “Alex, but we all call him Taz, and thebaby,Adam aka Gordo because he was such an adorable chubby when he was a baby.”
Both guys made no qualms about openly taking him in before lifting a chin at him, but he didn’t get much more than a “Sup?”
Despite the not-so-inviting greeting, Byron smiled. “How’s it going?”
Of course, her dad pointed at the open seats closest to him and her mother. Her dad sat at the head of the table; his wife next to him. Byron got stuck right next to her dad and directly across from her mother. Savanna took the seat next to Byron and Sienna next to her while her brothers sat across from their sisters now.
Byron casually but quickly took in the family physical aura. Her parent’s genes had been evenly split. Obviously, her brothers got their physiques from her dad who was abigmuscular man. Savannah’s mother was sitting down but even then, Byron could tell as she leaned into her husband and whispered something with a raised brow, she looked as dainty as Savannah felt in his arms.
Even though what appeared to be a warning from his wife, her dad wasted no time as soon as they were situated to start firing away questions. “So, how long you been going out with my daughter?”