Page 55 of Not Even Close
“Well, we did talk last night.” Vannah picked up a sausage with her fork but lowered her voice. “I mean after what happened at the gym, he wanted to make sure we got it straight, that while he knows I have every intention of focusing on school and hadn’t anticipated getting into any kind of serious relationship, that what we’re doing still be exclusive.”
“And exactly what is it you’re doing?”
Vannah thought about it chewing her sausage as she stretched her neck and listened to see if Byron was anywhere nearby. Though she got the feeling he’d continue giving her, her privacy until he knew she was off the phone. “He called ithaving fun. But only because of how I explained to daddy when he asked about what happened to me not wanting anything to derail my focus on school.”
“Yeah, about that.” Her mom huffed, or was she chuckling under her breath? “I get that he was nervous and rightfully so. I’m sure the last thing he expected to be doing yesterday was having dinner with your parents. Especially not sitting next to your father of all fathers.” This time Vannah was sure of it. Her mother was laughing at poor Byron’s expense. Still Vannah couldn’t help but laugh softly even as she continued to chew her breakfast. “But I watched and observed him closely the entire dinner, Savannah. He was tense for sure from the moment you guys arrived but there was no mistaking the change in demeanor after you told your father your plans were to enjoy your college years.”
Vannah swallowed her food and quickly wiped her mouth. “What do you mean?”
“Let me put it to you this way, honey.” Her mom chuckled again but this time Vannah’s insides were a hot mess. “That boy wasnothappy with your explanation of what you two aredoing. You basically lumped him in as a part of your plan to just enjoy your college years. It’s why I called you first thing this morning. I was curious if the subject had been brought up again. Obviously, it was.”
Thinking about it for a moment, Vannah felt her eyes open wide and she lowered her voice again. “It was one of the first things we discussed in the car before we even got back to his place.” She shook her head rolling her eyes. “Second only to daddy threatening to hurt him if he hurt me.”
“Did he?” Her mother’s chuckling mood took a sudden shift and this time there was no mistaking the irritated huff. “I asked your father point blank if he’d threatened that boy. I should’ve known when he waved me off, then instantly turned the subject on Sienna to ask why Byron would get so fired up about thinking he’d seen you having a taco with another guy.”
Nearly spitting up her coffee, Vannah covered her mouth with her napkin then wiped away the dribble. “What did she say?”
“Of course she told him she hadnoidea, and that Byron was clearly just an intense guy. But I cornered your sister later and made her spill it.”
Vannah’s father’s voice in the background interrupted their conversation. She sat and listened smiling as her mom verbally walked him through all the places his running shoes might be.
With another huff her mom was on the phone again. “I guess we’re taking a morning hike. So, I have to go now but I just wanted to make sure to tell you, this guy ain’t playing, Savannah. From what little you’ve told me about him so far, and what I observed, biggest difference between him and your dad is that at least in your case you’re not dealing with a man whose pride outweighs him. If he’s already wanting to get things straight, be honest with your feelings too. Talk. Trust me, baby girl. It’ll spare yousomuch heartache. And I’ve already seen it in your face, heard it in your voice, sweetheart. You have it bad too.”
Feeling choked up, yet again, Vannah smiled. “I will.
“Good.” Her mom groaned when her dads voice bellowed in the background asking about where his basketball shorts or something or other was. “I love you, but I gotta go.”
Vannah snivel laughed. “I love you too, mom.”
As soon as she hung up, she moved her empty plate and cup to the nightstand and got out of bed. She rushed to the bathroom to rinse her mouth out with his mouthwash then rushed into the other room.
Her hurrying was slowed abruptly as she heard Byron’s hushed voice. She couldn’t make out much of what he said but clearly, he was irritated, and she thought she may’ve even heard him cuss. She took a few more steps towards the kitchen then felt bad. He’d given her privacy, she should return the favor, so she turned around and started back into the bedroom until she heard his next louder more distinct response.
“Because I don’t need your fucking drama showing up again when she’s still here.”