Page 72 of Not Even Close
Byron knew it. Hefuckingknew it. Only solace he’d take from this, was that at least he now had the heart twisting confirmation that he hadn’t been feeling like an insecure littlebitchall this time, for no reason. That at a moment like the one they’d been having; Savannah would be thinking of not justRichard. Not just her fucking ex, butRichie,spoke volumes.
“Richie?”Just saying it turned his already nauseated stomach. “Is that what you usually call him? Or is that only when he’s touching you the way I—”
“No!” She shook her head trying to reach out for him, but he backed up not wanting any part of her touching him now.
Worst thing is while she still hadn’t said much, the look in her eyes said it all. This hadn’t been just a slip. She’d likely been thinking of that fucker the whole time. “I just misspoke, Byron.”
As pissed as this made him, Byron wasn’t sure what made him madder. The fact that she looked guilty as fuck, or that his dumb ass was feeling something else than theonlything he should be feeling. He wanted the rage to drown out the infuriating ache in his heart. It had no business being there.Shehad no business being so deep in there, and he’d known it all along.
“Misspoke? Just when I was—”
“I’m sorry!” She brought her hand to her mouth as her brows pinched, and there it was.
“Don’t apologize.”
“It’s just that—”
“Don’t be sorry,Savannah.” He realized he was getting loud, but he couldn’t help it. “Don’t be sorry that your ex, that still has feelings for you is on your mind even when—”
“It’s not that.” She shook her head. “It’s only because I just spoke with him today—”
“Bullshit!” Sucking in a sharp breath, Byron willed himself to calm down. “Not that it matters but don’t fucking lie to me now. It is what it is. You hung out with him today, like you’rehangingwith me, right?”
“You’resomuch more to me than he’s ever been.”
“But you’re thinking of him while . . .” He couldn’t even say it. What the fuck was wrong with him? “While I’m rubbing myself on—”
“Byron!” she said uncharacteristically loud, as she brought her hand to her mouth, and spun around so she wasn’t facing him anymore.
“Byron what?” he asked confused.
She was going to cry now? Now that she’d gotten his name right? She turned around to face him again, and her eyes did look slightly glistened. But he wouldn’t fall for it. He wouldn’t give in like a chump and back off. Hewasn’tbeing too hard on her even though seeing her nearly in tears did shit to him heshould notbe feeling. Especially after this.
“I just misspoke,” she explained again even as her hand remained over her mouth. “I was thinking of himearlier. There was something I was going to mention to you about him and me earlier but then the conversation veered off, and I guess his name just stayed in my head.”
Feeling his heart sink unbelievably deeper he stared at her almost speechless. “You and him?”
“Well, no . . . I mean . . .” She fumbled with her words then went on. “I-It’s just that he wants—”
Byron’s phone rang on the counter interrupting her stuttering lies but he hit the button to send the call to voicemail. “Get out.” He didn’t even want to hear what that fuckerwanted, and she was obviously considering if she’d meant to run it past him. But mostly, he couldn’t stand the pain of looking into those beautiful eyes, knowing he’d been right about what he’d begun to feel. Shewaspulling back and maybe this was why. Maybe after seeing each other again at the barbeque they’d begun to reconnect. “Get the hell out, and don’t ever call me again.”
“Byron no. Please, hear me out. I can explain.”
“Explainwhat, Savannah? That you’re thinking of your ex while you’re spending time with me? And he’s asking for shit from you now that you’re considering?”
She reached out and tried to touch him again, but he flinched his hand back. “Get the fuck off me.” He motioned to her phone. “CallRichie. Tell him you’re free to give him whatever he wants. That you’ve been free all this time, you just couldn’t hang with himtonightbecause you’d already made plans to hang with me.”
“No, I haven’t done anything with him since . . .” She paused with an odd expression on her face, then shook her head. “A week ago?”