Page 9 of Not Even Close
Unexpected Rescue
The phone ringing just as Byron got out of the shower broke him out of his inadvertent ongoing thoughts of the little college girl. Glad for the interruption he smiled when he saw it was Gus and he answered. “Sup?”
“You home?”
Grabbing a pair of briefs from a drawer, Byron dropped the towel to slip them on. “Yeah.”
“Dick. Then why aren’t you answering? We’ve been knocking for a while.”
“I was in the shower. I just got out.”
After throwing on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt he hurried down the stairs of his apartment that sat above the now closed auto shop. He opened up the shop doors and Gus and Nando walked in bearing gifts in the form of a twelve-pack and a pipe. He let them into the shop, took a beer but passed on the weed. “Gives me the munchies,” he explained. “I’m in training right now.”
“To fight?” Gus asked wide eyed.
“Nah, just to get in shape.” Byron touched his abs over his shirt. “I was getting kind of soft.” He lifted the beer bottle. “Even this I’m trying to cut back on, but I haven’t had one in a while. One’s not gonna kill me.”
“There you go.” Nando tossed his keys at Byron who reacted just in time to catch them. “We got ourselves our designated driver.”
“That’s right,” Gus said despite Byron already shaking his head. “Only reason we were just gonna kick it here tonight is ’cause we’re both too tight to spring for Ubers all night and we both felt like throwing some back.”
“So just stay here,” Byron said tossing Nando his keys back. “I’m not going anywhere tonight.”
“C’mon, man. Don’t be like that,” Gus pointed at Byron. “Didn’t you just say you needed to get laid the other day.”
Byron frowned remembering how he’d muttered the comment under his breath a little too loudly the day he’d gotten back to the shop after being annoyed over the whole freshman chick with the meathead at the gym. “Maybe I already did.”
Not really, but these two idiots didn’t need to know the details of his sex life.
“So, do it again. Youhavebeen kind of an irritable ass lately.”
Before Byron could retort to that, Nando chimed in. “Frat Row Friday.” He pointed at Byron then Gus. “Easiest way to get laid. Drunk college girls are a shoo-in.”
As the instant thoughts of theonerandom college girl who’d invaded his mind so much lately assaulted him, Byron shook his head even more adamantly than he had earlier. “Hellno.”
“Why not?” Gus and Nando asked in unison.
Their comical expressions almost made Byron smile. Almost. “Because I’m too old for that shit.”
“You just graduated last year, ass.” Gus pointed out. “A lot of those girls might even be older than you if they’re working on their masters and shit. It’s easy to tell which ones are fresh out of high school. Just stay away from those and you’ll be fine.”
More assaulting thoughts of the one thing he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since he walked into the fucking gym today hit him again. Still shaking his head, Nando lifted his beer in the air before Byron could retort.
“I know, I know. If you’re gonna be all fun police about it, you can just drop us off. All the parties at Frat Row are within walking distance from one another.” He turned to Gus who was already smiling big. “We’ll split an Uber back and crash here tonight.”
“ESU?” Byron asked taking a swig of his beer.
“Yeah,” Nando said with a soured expression. “I ain’t Ubering all the way back from SC.”
“I can do that.” Byron downed the last of his beer before adding. “I can drop you off but I ain’t doing frat parties.”
“Man, you’re wack!” Gus shook his head taking a drink from his bottle then added. “I’ve seen losers way older than you lurk around at those parties.”
“Exactly,” Byron said standing up. “Losers.”