Page 12 of Way Too Close
“Hey, don’t say that even playing around,” her mother warned. “You have a few more weeks to go until Summer session is over and you get a new roommate. You can hang in there for a few more months. Smile more,Mija. You’d be surprised how far a smile can go.”
“How am I supposed to smile when the first and only thing she’s said to meallday, mind you, is that I left my toothbrush on the sinkagain,”Xochitl huffed. “Would it kill her to be a little more pleasant? I dare say she’s worse than me.”
“Somehow I doubt that.”
This time Xochitl chuckled. “I don’t think I’m as bad as her. At least I can go a few days without nitpicking every little annoying ass thing she does or says, and you know me. There’s a lot that easily annoys me.”
“Yes, I do my irritable little one,” her mother sniggered. “Speaking of things that might annoy you. Everything still good between you and Cade?”
That wiped the smirk right off Xochitl’s face. “I guess.”
“That doesn’t sound too promising.”
“It’s just that we’re so far away from each other.” Xochitl sat back as she ran her hand through her hair. “Doesn’t make for a very romantic situation.”
“You don’t sound very broken up about it.” Before Xochitl could respond her mother added. “Or is maybe that the reason why you got back together with him in the first place?Becauseyou knew you wouldn’t have to be dealing with him daily?”
Dang her mom knew her too well, so Xochitl decided to just own up to it. “I do care for him, mom, and I enjoy the time we spend together. He’s one of the very few people I know who’s never annoyed me.” She laughed. “And there’s nothing I don’t feel comfortable talking to him about. Our relationship has all the makings of a great pairing.”
Thinking about how to admit this the best way, Xochitl took a moment to respond. “Well, for the longest I wished I’d miss him more when I haven’t seen him in a while.” She frowned feeling stupid now. “So, when I saw him a few weeks ago and I was so excited to see him for the first time in so long.” She stopped to wince, but she was an adult now and Xochitl had never been one to not say things like they were. Besides her mom was one of the other few people on earth she felt comfortable talking to aboutanything.
“I don’t know. That spark was just there, and we ended up in bed together.”
“Xochitl Kaya Etzli,” her mother retorted immediately making her laugh. “That’swhy you got back together?”
“Mom, you know I’m not one for games,” Xochitl shot right back. “And I’ve never been into the friends with benefits thing. So, when he suggested we give it another shot. I figured why not? I’m not seeing anyone else and sleeping with him having no strings attached, knowing full well he still has feelings for me still, felt wrong. Even though I’m sure he would’ve been all for at least that. Thisispretty much the friends with benefits thing, only minus the being open to see others.ThatI know would hurt him. We both stay so busy and are so far away, this just might work until we’re out of school and can be together more.”
“Just don’t string him along too long, Chichi,” her mother warned. “He’s such a nice guy, it wouldn’t be fair to him if you did.”
Xochitl closed her eyes and nodded. Only she was sticking with her guns about her initial belief that this situation wasidealand might very well be for the best. “I won’t.”