Page 27 of Way Too Close
“Misanthropist.” She glanced back up at Lex when she heard him say it. He was staring at his phone screen but looked at her for a second before glancing back down at his screen. “Had to look it up. A person who avoids humankind and avoids human society.”
Chuckling, Xochitl nodded. “In layman’s terms, I hate people.”
“Well, shit.” Lex looked up at her wide eyed. “It all makes sense now.”
“What does?”
“The cold reception I got from you that first day I met you way back when I’m sure you thought me just some high school kid. You cutting me off for two years.” He shook his head. “Vannah had mentioned way back that you were easily annoyed by the pettiest of things. But misanthropist? Holy shit. I got lucky and grew on you, and then seeing me with Angela in the parking lot that night, totally blew it for me.”
“I don’t know about thepettiestthings,” Xochitl said then tried to remember as far back as when she first met him. “I don’t remember being cold to you.”
“The hell you weren’t,” he snapped immediately but at least he was smiling now. “I’ve never forgotten it. It was the first time in likeeverthat I met a chick who seemed so uninterested in getting to know me.” He put his hand up before she could retort to that, his expression going a little more serious. “Okay, so maybe chicks like this one.” He lifted the pillow he was holding motioning it in her direction. “Have made it so that I’d come to expect a little more than what I got from you even back then. How’s that a reflection of the kind of guy I am?”
“Who said it was? All I was saying was that I don’t remember being cold.”
“That was fast.” The smile was completely gone now, and his suddenly almost sarcastic tone confused Xochitl. “I heard the implication when you said it just now.” Before she could respond he went on. “Sheintroduced herself to me in the gym.Sheapproached me when she saw me walking back, andshebrought this to me without me asking. I even turned down her offer to go out to dinner with her tonight because . . .” He paused and cleared his throat and for the first time since his little rant started, he glanced away before addressing her again. “Because I have early practice tomorrow. But most guys I know would’ve been there in a heartbeat regardless.”
Xochitl pressed her lips together to refrain from smiling. The obvious chip on this guy’s shoulder about the kind of guy he knew she thought him, was as big as the swarm in her belly, and it added to her already racing insides. Why did he care so much?
“I’m sorry if you read more into my comment,” she offered lifting her chin a bit. “I didn’t mean anything by it except exactly what I said. That it was fast.” She shrugged with a smirk. “But it’s true. You can’t help how irresistible you are to women and I’m certainly not gonna hold it against you or judge you for it. But getting back to your comment I don’t remember being cold.”
He shook his head now, and thankfully the smirk was back. “Trust me, I’ll never forget it.”
Their eyes locked for a moment, but she bit her tongue. Asking himwhy,felt inappropriate. If Cade ever found out, he’d wonder whyshecared. All she remembered about that first meeting was being completely struck by thatbeautifulsmile and how determined she’d been to not fall victim to Vannah’s little brother’s charm. She lifted her chin again and met his eyes. “Well, my apologies if I came across that way, but if memory serves me right, I had a deadline on a paper or something that day and I’m a little obsessive when I have something like that hanging over my head.” Nodding, as if in agreement he indulged her with another breathtaking smile. “I’ll give you that. Youdidmention getting a second chance on a paper or something. But you did turn me down flat so rudely when I playfully insinuated that I might have reason for inquiring about your love life.” He remembered.
That was almost three years ago, and he remembered—said he’d never forget. Even Xochitl had forgotten about the second chance part. She did her best to remain composed and not fall all over herself grinning silly like she was so tempted to. She was certain it’s what he expected. But the playful smirk couldn’t be helped because of the reminder, as she glanced back at her laptop screen. “Well, I don’t know aboutsorudely.”Lex didn’t address that last comment like she expected him to, and it surprised her. “Vannah said you went through several roommates since she moved out. Am I the first guy?”
Staring at her screen still, Xochitl refused to let him rattle her and the tone in his voice sounded like he was getting ready to do just that. “Yep, and you’re lucky I knew you prior or I probably wouldn’t have been okay with it.”
“Is your boyfriend okay with it?”
Completely expecting to see a wicked smirk on his face, Xochitl glanced up and met his eyes. To her surprise, his expression was dead on serious. He really wanted to know.