Page 35 of Way Too Close

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Page 35 of Way Too Close

Seventeen: Slippery Slope


As anticipated by them both, life got crazy the following week after Xochitl had agreed to give into the insanity of this relationship with Lex this fast. While she agreed to do this, she was glad Lex had been understanding about her wanting to hold off on telling anyone yet. If things didn’t work out, they’d still be forced to live together in the same dorm. Simple things like hanging out with Vannah as they had the day she cooked for them, might be awkward if she knew about their failed attempt at anything romantic. Worst yet, Xochitl’s relationship with Vannah might change because of it. So, he’d agreed and as crazy as things got once school started, she didn’t anticipate seeing Vannah anytime soon anyway. There was no need to make announcements just yet. They hadn’t discussed any actual rules for this thing that had just happened between them. But given her cutting him off for two entire years after seeing what she thought was him making out with another girl, and this before he’d ever even kissed her, exclusivity was clearly a must. That didn’t even have to be discussed. She was glad now she’d been so completely honest about being scared. Because she was. Not just scared, but because it was so unlike her to feel so damn vulnerable it wasterrifying.

She believed his excitement about diving into this and making up for lost time was genuine. But the rational side of her, beneath all this insane exhilaration, continued to warn it might be the novelty of it all that excited him. He’d said it himself, just as he hadn’t been used girls not showing instant interest in him like she hadn’t their very first meeting, the extreme way she’d cut him off for two whole years was obviously something he’d never dealt with either. She almost regretted letting him back in so easily. So, despite them moving forward with this, emotionally she’d be taking baby steps. Their schedules made it easy to not get too in over their heads, too fast. Aside from the heavenly moments they spent on the sofa each night they barely had time for much more. She hated when professors announced that there’d be one assignment worth almost ninety percent of their grade for the semester. So even though she had the whole semester to work on getting the presentation together, as obsessive as she was, she’d slacked about backing up some of the stuff she’d worked so hard on for the assignment. On top of everything else she had to deal with between school, endless papers, his soccer, and her internships, she’d had a not so minor crisis with her website again a month into school. This time she took full responsibility for it. Having her relationship with Lex in her every thought as a major distraction to everything else she was supposed to be concentrating diligently on, she’d completely forgotten to renew her web host service. Imagine the shock of going to update something on it and seeing that it’d been suspended in big rude letters for all the world to see.

Since that’d never happened before she had no idea at first what the heck was going on and she was immediately on the phone with Rigo. Of course, he instantly knew what had happened and walked her through getting it paid and her website back up and running. “There might be posts along with photos and such that’ve disappeared if you hadn’t backed them up.”

“Backed them up?”

He was quiet for a moment. “Hon, we went over this when we first set this up. Don’t you remember? Please tell me you’ve gone into your dashboard every few weeks to back up anything you don’t wanna lose.”

Instantly Xochitl’s heart was racing in panic. “I don’t wanna loseanythingand . . .” She brought her hands to her forehead trying to remember and then it came to her. “Oh my God! I remember now, but no I hadn’t done so in,shit, over a year at least. Does this mean I’ve lost everything I posted or posted up into draft in the last year? Rigo, I posteda lotin the last year. Stuff that took me hours if notdaysto put together.”

Bringing her hands over her mouth she remembered the post still in draft she’d been working for her presentation. She’d poured months of work into that already. The assignment that weighed so heavy for that class and it was due in just a few weeks. Worst part is there were certain graphics she’d obsessed about formonths, and media that were just so much easier to add straight to the website where she’d be making the presentation from. So, unlike the actual paper itself, which she thankfully backed up in her word software, she’d stupidly hadn’t thought to back these things up anywhere else. Of course, these were the things that had taken her obsessive ass the longest. There was no way she’d get another presentation done in time, and it was worth as much as the final. Shaking off the urge to cry she clutched the phone. “Rigo, there’s stuff I lost that I absolutely need for class. Thiscan’tbe happening.”’“Okay, okay, relax,” he said with a chuckle. “Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours. There are a few things we can do to try and recover this. It’ll take me some time, but I think I can do this for you. Only it’s gonna cost you.”

“I’ll pay whatever I have to.”

“Really?” He chuckled. “Because I wasn’t talking about money.”

Xochitl was quiet for a moment not sure how to respond to that. She hadn’t lied when she’d told Lex Rigo only asked her out way back and it’d been more of a business type lunch invitation. But he’d been completely professional otherwise. Aside from his cheesy dad jokes that were in no way distasteful or inappropriate other than to make her roll her eyes as she did so often for over so many other things, he was a complete gentleman. They’d never even discussed anything personal. The closest they’d ever gotten was when he assumed because she mentioned her internship at Pixar that she was far more tech savvy than she actually was. Even then she’d briefly explained she was a communications major and was there to help with press releases, market research, write out interview questions and such. Not the tech side. But it’s as personal as they’d ever gotten. So, this surprised her. She was already sitting up a little straighter. Even though she’d lost count of how many times over the years, he’d saved her ass and each time she’d been eternally grateful, shedid nothave the patience for dealing with anybullshit. So, he’d built her website from scratch years ago and knew it inside out. At this point she’d have no qualms about switching to another web designer if need be. Someone who’d have to learn all the details specific to her website. No matter what a pain in the ass that might be. Clearing her throat, she took a deep breath, glad she’d been in her bedroom when she’d made the call and not out in the front room. Lex would be home any minute and she didn’t want him to hear this in case she was jumping the gun here. “Whatareyou talking about?” she asked cautiously.

“I’ll be in town in a few weeks for a convention. Have lunch with me.” Instantly, she was relieved. More than once in the past she’d said she owed him at least lunch for all the pro bono work he did for her, like what he’d be doing for her now. Though because he lived out of town, it was very far and few times in between that she’d been able to meet with him in person. And each time he’d been professional and harmless. Well, that’s if you didn’t count the eyeroll inducing cheesy jokes she’d been forced to laugh politely at. Before she could even respond he went on. “I should have your website all worked out by then. It’s probably best that we do get together in person so I can go over everything I did because I’ll probably update a few things and walk you through it all. It’s a networking and architecture convention I’ll be attending, by the way. Might be something you’d be interested in since you are a communications major. Lots of speakers and presentations that might interest you.”

Xochitl thought about it because unlike all the other times she’d gotten together with him she hadn’t had Lex to think about. There was the slightest possibility that he wouldn’t even remember Vannah mentioning that Rigo was creepy and that he’d asked Xochitl out before. But if he did, telling him she was going to lunch with the guy might not go over too well. Xochitl had really never even said he was creepy. That was Vannah’s assessment when she’d mentioned her older web designer had suggested they get together for lunch. When Vannah asked how much older and Xochitl told her if she had to guess, he was in his early to mid-forties Vannah had added the label. But she should know Xochitl would never tolerate any nonsense. She was fairly certain even Rigo knew this by her no-nonsense and at times snappy attitude when she was having issues with her website. “What day?”

He gave her the date, and she was relieved she was nearly done with the presentation she’d be putting together because the date he gave her was just days before her assignment’s due date. Even though it’d be cutting it close, she was certain her obsessive ass could get it in on time. If he recovered what she’d already put together. Typing quickly on her laptop she brought up her schedule. She and Lex had since downloaded and were using a joint online calendar since both had so much going on and it was impossible to keep each other’s schedules straight. She couldn’t help smiling a bit relieved when she looked at that date. Xochitl was free that day and Lex had a game out of state. This just might work. The convention did sound like something she could get into. She’d been to a few similar ones already and each time she’d gotten a lot of excellent information out of them. “Well, looks like I’m free that day.”

“Great, then it’s a date. I’ll have to time to get my blue suede shoes clean now.”

As usual he chuckled at his own cheesy joke. Xochitl paused for a moment, rolled her eyes, then shook it off. The date thing was just a figure of speech, and she was sure he likely used the dumb joke all the time. But Xochitl had never been naïve. He was a man after all. One she often got a strange vibe from despite his utmost professionalism. She had wondered in the past if maybe there was more reason for why he was always so quick to get back to her or readily available to take her calls. Was he like that with all his clients? But she always shook it off. It wasn’t fair to fault him or be suspicious of anything just because he was so good at being punctual and returning calls. Especially because she was the only one who ever did the calling unless he was returning her call and more often than not, if she was calling him, it was because her neurotic ass was freaking out about something. She’d hate for him to make her wait if she ever got touchy about a harmless comment, like the date one, and he stopped being so eager to take her calls or return hers. Rigo told her he’d keep her updated on his progress with recovering her posts and they hung up. Lex arrived from practice and as usual dropped his bag at the door, and within seconds was all over her. She still couldn’t believe this was happening. But they were still keeping this between just the two of them until they were ready to tell the world. Everything seemed so perfect, she didn’t want to jinx it by making any announcements just yet. Lex wasn’t thrilled about keeping their relationship a secret this long but just like her request that they take things slow his patience had been amazing. Only after a month, Xochitl was now feeling ready for more. At least in that other department. He devoured her mouth for a few minutes until he finally pulled away and leaned his forehead to hers. “You busy tonight? Any homework?” She shook her head and he smiled big. “Me either. Let me go jump in the shower and I’ll meet you on the sofa after.” “I haven’t showered either.” She felt him freeze and he searched her eyes looking a little too excited. “I got home, and my website was suspended so all this time I’d been on the phone trying to get it figured out.” She told him about forgetting to renew her web host, but she could tell he wasn’t even listening anymore. His mind no doubt on their possible shower together, so she took advantage. Deciding she’d feel him out first, before mentioning herdatewith Rigo next month, she added the next part casually. “Lost a lot of stuff but my web designer is confident he can recover it.” That finally seemed to pull him out of the likely wet and slippery visuals he’d been having. “The creepy guy?”

Damn it.

So much for mentioning the date. Not yet anyway. Especially not now when they were on the verge of taking this to the next level. “He’snotcreepy.” She placed her hand on his hard chest. “Your sister just called him that because he asked me out way back and I mentioned he was older.”

He peered at her now. “How much older?”

Xochitl shrugged. “We never talk about anything personal. So, I’ve never asked him his age, but I’m assuming early to mid-forties.” She would admit one thing but even that was harmless. “He’s just one of those men who always has all these cheesy jokes lined up, and because I’m so much younger often compliments me like an uncle would, would but he’s very professional.”

His brows were up immediately. “Compliments?”

Trying to chuckle as casually as she could she ran her hand up over his chest and onto his big shoulder. “Can we forget about him?” She smiled sinfully. “IsaidI haven’t showered either.” His expression eased instantly, and he even indulged her with one of his beautiful smiles before devouring her mouth with a groan and then pulling her with him towards the bathroom. They weren’t in the bathroom yet when they were all over each other again. He managed to turn the water in the shower on without even taking his lips off hers

The ease and speed in which he was able to remove her clothes left little time for modesty. It happened so fast it had her gulping with both excitement and anxiety. For a moment his eyes took in her naked body in awe, and if she hadn’t known better, she might’ve thought it was the first time he was taking in a naked girl.

Aside from Cade, Xochitl had only ever slept with one other guy. Ironically, one she’d started seeing a few months after the wedding. Pathetically she’d thought of Lex the whole time even though he’d never even kissed her at that point. But this was only the third guy who’d ever seen her naked, with the bright lights on to boot and she was suddenly doing something she hadn’t done since she was in high school—drowning in anxious insecurity about her not so perfect body—especially in comparison to his rock-hard body. Though the anxiety was quickly muffled when she felt his mouth on her breasts and his hand between her legs. Hearing him moan, and feeling the unabashed lustful way he touched her, accelerated her own breathing. The arousal she felt as his fingers played with her wasunreal. For a moment she thought he might take her right there on the sink they were both so impassioned and unwilling to stop to even step in the shower, but after one last long intense kiss that nearly curled her toes, he pulled away and tore his clothes off quickly. Seeing the erection, she’d only felt through his pants and shorts for over a month now, made her breath hitch. Her eyes were glued to it for too long obviously because he chuckled, and her eyes jumped to his face. “Let’s get you better acquainted with him. Something tells me this is going to be a profound connection.”

Profound didn’t even begin to describe it. The kissing and groping eased up once in the shower. Something changed about the undeniable hunger she’d seen in his eyes; felt in the way he’d fondled her earlier and the gentler sweeter way he did in the shower now. Like after the initial shock of knowing they were doing this had worn off, and the reality of what was really happening between them now sunk in. Lex was taking his time now, caressing her slick body slowly as if wanting to enjoy every moment of their first time for what it was worth. “You have no idea,” he whispered in her ear as he lowered his mouth and sucked just beneath it. “How many times I’ve fantasized about doing this with you.”

Smiling, Xochitl inhaled deeply dropping her head back to give him full access of her neck. “Is it bad that I thought about it more times than I care to admit, and I had a boyfriend during some of these times?”

The change in his body was obvious as he went noticeable tense, but he kissed her shoulder anyway and eased up. “It is bad. But only if I’m the boyfriend you’re with.”

Xochitl had to chuckle. “Well, that’s not really fair to Cade.”

Going tense again he stopped the trail of kisses he’d started up her chin. “Can we not talk about your ex right now?”

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