Page 21 of Flight Plan
She choked on her coffee. “Pick someone else.”
“No. I already told my teacher.”
“Maybe she’ll let you change it.”
He shook his head, determined to throw a wrench in her engine. “He’s having a big event this weekend to promote his game and maybe give hints about the newest addition.” Jack’s face brightened with excitement but apprehension filled her.
Wesley Scott.After throwing herself at him and then branding his logo on her body, she couldn’t imagine seeing him again so soon.
“So…can we?”
Brooding into her mug, she looked up. “Can we what?”
“Can we go see Wesley Scott this weekend? I said my teacher already approved my famous person for the essay. Besides—I can’t wait to hear about the new game! All my friends are going.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Pleeeease! I’ll work really hard on this paper if I can go.”
Jack’s English grade had tanked to a C last term, and it fell on her to make sure he did the work.We could sit in the back. Wes would never even see us.“This better be an A effort.”
She scrunched her eyes when she realized she should tell Jack that she knew Wesley, figuring it’d come up. “By the way, I actually met him last weekend at Todd’s wedding.”
“You know him! You’re friends?”
“Yeah, I guess you could say that. But I don’t like asking friends for favors. So be very respectful. And this is a bigif. I don’t know how these things work.”
Two days later, though she played down her excitement at seeing him again, she flat ironed her hair and shimmied into a sundress.
“You look nice, Mom.”
Hard for her to take a compliment, even from her own son, she forced a grin. “Let’s get going. I heard on the radio today will be a mob scene.”