Page 45 of Flight Plan
Tilting his head, he watched her in action. She was everything his muse needed to be—brave, beautiful, and independent. Ava truly outshined the stars.
The gaming event venue typically hosted concerts. They flew over acres of lawn space designed for additional ticket holders to bring their own blankets or chairs. Permanent seats clustered closer to the stage under a vast pavilion. They circled around, flying above fields of parked cars as they approached for landing.
“Oh wow,” Ava banked left, “there must be thousands of people down there.” She flashed him a proud smile. “Your new addition is going to do great.”
When the crowds saw the helicopter, they went wild, cheering and waving their hands in the air.
“I’ll do the fly-bys like we discussed.” She smiled. “I’ll watch for my cues.”
One of the best parts about today, besides everything to do with furthering his career, was that Wesley loved seeing Ava’s complete joy flying the dragon-copter and delighting his fans. Soon they’d be her fans, though they’d never know it. The newestDragon Rockheroine bore Ava’s image, but she wouldn’t likely step from the helicopter.
This would be Ava’s first time, like the fans, seeing the video containing her likeness.
But there was one snag. One he’d been meaning to tell her.
“Um, Ava.” He prayed her smile wouldn’t vanish and be replaced by the scowl he’d been on the receiving end of this very morning.
“Yeah?” She concentrated on her fly-bys, while watching the roaring crowd.
“You’ve heard of a muse, right?”
“Muse? Sure. What about it?”
“It’s funny, but I thought I’d lost my muse. Before. Before the wedding, actually.”
“Doesn’t seem like it to me. Or to them.” She sounded giddy. “I’m going around one more time. They love the helicopter!”
He paused his explanation, waving at fans as she circled and then lowered the bird onto high ground, blocked by a huge gate from overzealous fans. Regina stood behind the cautionary barricades, waiting for him. Regina planned for him to hop out and get introduced down on the big stage, while Ava remained on standby to fly over the crowd a few more times.
Ava flicked switches after setting the bird in the grass, giving him an expectant look as the blades above their heads began to slow. “Good luck.”
“Thanks.” He nodded, remaining hesitant to exit while he contemplated how to tell this beautiful woman that she’d been his inspiration, his muse. Also, he should warn her that her face would appear on the jumbo screens. He’d avoided telling her, worried she’d think him a freak, drawing racy images of her during all hours of the day and night. Even his team members had prodded him to fill her in on this extremely important development. He’d instructed the guys to tell Ava that what they worked on was top secret—which wasn’t a lie. Following his orders, they had not showed her or Jack the image of the newest heroine.
But things had intimately progressed between them, so he’d held off for the right time. Now, caught between a rock and a hard place, he realized he’d messed up big-time.
Ava waved at Regina, who crouched by his door, her black hair flattened by the blade’s wind as she clung onto her tablet for dear life.
Wesley yanked off his headset, ducked out, and jogged toward the narrow building that would take him to the stage, Regina keeping his pace. These events took loads of energy, and he personally prepared for them by practicing yoga and meditation, which he’d done before the flight to get his head in the right space and his positive energy flowing. He couldn’t allow his mess-up with Ava to alter that state of being. So, he pushed his feelings for her down and allowed the universe to take the lead.
All went according to Regina’s plan for his introduction and big speech. And he watched the trailer on the jumbo screens with pride, though he also felt a niggling of regret.Warning Ava beforehand would have been better.He couldn’t help berating himself for withholding this from her.If he had been honest with her, would she have called him a stalker and left?
After four hours and many autographs later, a fan club member managed to convince Wesley to share a meal with them in the VIP section of the event complex. With Regina’s encouragement, he joined his elated followers.
The sun hung low in the summer sky when Wesley waved goodbye to Regina, who had more activities for the fans throughout the rest of the evening. With his part of the event over, including the extra hours hanging out with his admirers over pizza and beer, he climbed aboard the dragon-copter, holding his breath, and buckled in. Ava had stayed with the helicopter the whole time, always on standby.
He adjusted his headset and microphone. “That was incredible. Did you see the trailer?”
They lifted off the ground.
“I saw it. Now you better start explaining it.”
Ava had the time of her life flying this dragon-copter over screaming fans. The exhilaration that jolted through her had been missing for so long. There were some perks being an army helicopter pilot. She could have done fly-bys all day. And despite the tiff she and Wesley had that morning, she’d felt proud of him when she saw the amount of people who came together because of him.
She made sure she’d had a clear view of the jumbo screens from her hilltop location when the trailer aired. Regina had been thoughtful enough to have an assistant run Ava some food, though the hour was closer to dinner than lunch. She chewed on a turkey and cheese club sandwich when the newest heroine’s image filled the screen.
“What the hell!” she exclaimed with a mouth full, shredded lettuce and bits of tomatoes blowing from her lips.