Page 50 of Flight Plan
“It’s everything right now. And I appreciate that you take it seriously.” She gave the child an additional kiss on the cheek and a long hug. She nodded at Johnathan, who patted the boy’s shoulder before getting back into the driver’s seat.
“I will call each morning and evening. Be sure Tejas’s devices remain charged.”
“I’m on it.” Wesley waved goodbye to them and ushered his son inside.
Ava watched the tinted window slide down and a mother’s concerned gaze follow her son until he disappeared. The Escalade drove off the property, allowing Ava to emerge from behind a large flowering shrub, her pulse still racing. But not from her run.
Wesley had given Ava parenting advice, saying things likemake Jack a priority. She gritted her teeth at his gall.Hadn’t she done that? Leaving the military to raise him?She’d even tried meditation like he recommended to help ground her, so she’d be more open to adapting.What about Wesley?He said and did all this stuff—and yet—he didn’t even have custody of his own kid. At least she assumed so after he said he hadn’t seen him in so long.
Things she said hadn’t been kind, reprimanding Wesley about his unsolicited parenting advice. But if she’d known about his son, she’d have handled the subject differently.
Apparently, she wasn’t the only one who closed off her personal life and kept secrets.Why hadn’t he confided in her?Seemed he didn’t trust her enough or care for her enough. It just proved he treated her like an employee—not even—he treated his team like family. Didtheyknow Tejas existed?
That old outsider feeling crept in. She crossed her arms over her stomach, bending forward as her gut warped from sour betrayal.This is bullshit!She shook off her ill feelings, burying these raw emotions, angry Wesley could affect her so deeply.
She wandered along the property line, unaware she used a breathing technique to get a grip on her anger. Entering through the solarium, she trudged to the kitchen, slowing her exaggerated breaths.
Jack remained at the kitchen table where she’d left him before her run, finishing his cereal and toast. Leroy and Samir sat with him, trying to get their Monday mornings going by sipping on coffee.
Wesley entered with his son, catching her eye. “Good, you’re back. Everyone, I have someone special I’d like you to meet. This is Tejas, my son.”
Leroy and Samir welcomed him first, friendly like they had been with Jack. They didn’t seem appear overly surprised that Wesley had a son, only surprised Tejas had suddenly appeared.
She swallowed her annoyance at Wesley and forced a smile, hoping Tejas wouldn’t think her unhappy with him. “Hello. I’m Ava and this is my son, Jack.”
“Hi,” Tejas said to her and then zoned in on Jack. “Dad, I didn’t know there were going to be other kids here.”
“Yeah, Jack’s a year older than you. Jack, do you think you could show Tejas around, hang out with him some today? He’s only here through Wednesday morning. Until his mom comes to pick him up.”
“Sure.” Jack stood. “Want to see my room? I have a bearded dragon up there.”
Wesley grinned with relief when his son replied, “Yes. I’d like that. How big is it?”
The boys were already leaving the kitchen as Jack’s voice trailed off. “Not that big yet. His name is Goliath, so I hope he grows to be huge.”
Samir refilled his coffee. “Time to get to work.”
Leroy followed him, leaving her alone with Wesley.
Wesley approached her, guilt all over his face. “I can see you’re upset.”
“You have a son, and you didn’t tell me?” She hissed quietly so the others wouldn’t overhear. “After you listened to me rant about how hard parenthood is—and then gave me advice.” She snarled, “You can still shove your advice.”
“I wasn’t hiding it. I just don’t tell people about him.”
Ava shoved past him with a grunt and took Jack’s bowl to the sink.People, huh?Did she mean nothing to him?
“Tejas lives with his mother and her husband in San Francisco, the way Satya wants it. Satya wants him out of the limelight. She only lets me see him if I agreed to her terms.”
“Why? You don’t have custody?”
“Why not?” Asking tough questions would hopefully help her understand more about Wesley—about his seemingly nonexistent relationship with his nine-year-old son. “Why didn’t you fight for him before? When he was a baby?”
He cringed. “I could ask you the same question.”
Ava released the bowl abruptly into the sink, causing it to crash and the spoon to rattle as she fisted her hands and placed them on her hips. Squaring up with him, she lifted her chin. “I was in high school. Myparentsenlisted me in the military.” She brushed her dark ponytail over her shoulder. “I was a kid myself.”