Page 54 of Flight Plan
“How does Wesley feel about that?”
“I’m sure he’ll miss Tejas. He hadn’t been seeing him very often. But Wes plans to change that.”
“You two seemed inseparable these past few days—maybe before that too.”
Ava sighed, wondering where to begin and knowing she couldn’t hide the truth from her friend any longer. “Wes and I have been…sort of seeing each other over the past few weeks.”
“I knew it!” Rosa flashed a big Cheshire cat grin.
Ava studied her face. “How did you know? We kept it a secret.”
Rosa busted out laughing. “I knew you two couldn’t keep your hands off each other for long. Is it serious?”
“No. I don’t know.” She chewed on her lower lip. “I haven’t felt this way for any guy before.”
Rosa pressed her lips together, placing her hands over her heart.
Ignoring Rosa’s daydreaming look, Ava shook her head. “It won’t work out. We shouldn’t have even bothered. I’ll be moving on next month. I’m sure one of the interviews I’ve done will make me an offer soon. I’ve had a couple of phone calls, furthering me along in the hiring process.”
“Well, you’re a pilot. I’m sure you can fly to see him anytime you want. Also, you must fly back here to see me every once in a while too.”
Ava grinned, appreciating Rosa’s friendship, but her grin slipped away as quickly as it came. “I don’t know. He didn’t tell me about his kid. I didn’t know anything about him until he showed up on the doorstep.”
“Yeah, that’s odd. Did he say why?”
Ava related what he’d told her about Satya and how she wanted to raise Tejas without his help. “It turned out, not only were Tejas’s parents in a pinch because of his ill nanny, but only since Wesley was secluded in Oldport did she feel it reasonable for him to watch Tejas. I just wish he trusted me enough to tell me about him before he showed up. I thought we had something special… But I’m not so sure.”
“Well, from what you told me about being away from Jack a lot, and how hard it was balancing everything…I don’t know, maybe Wesley felt similar? Think about it from that perspective.”
One might not think Rosa Hathaway, under her cascading dark hair extensions and collagen-enhanced lips, was someone to give soulful advice, but it no longer surprised Ava. She got up and gave her friend a hug. “You’re the best. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”