Page 56 of Flight Plan
“Today was so fun.” Jack yawned. “Thanks for letting me go with you guys.”
“I had fun too. Now get some sleep.”
As Jack rolled to his side, his steady breathing indicated he’d be asleep in minutes. She moved past Goliath, who’d become a welcome member of their little family. Jack had bonded with the bearded dragon, constantly carrying him around the house and yard in a sling or on a leash. Wesley had been correct. Goliath made a great pet, easy to care for, and he had a chill disposition.
Ava smiled as she exited his room, replaying the excitement on Jack’s face throughout the day. Lost in thought, she startled when she noticed Wesley standing in the darkened hallway, her hands balling into tight fists, ready to throw a punch if needed as her training kicked in. Immediately, she flexed her fingers, easing the tension.
“Ava, can we talk?”
As an uncomfortable tingle slithered down her spine, she nodded, knowing she had to breach the subject about her job offer. She would have to say goodbye to a man she’d connected with on a soul level, a man she’d come to care deeply for.
He indicated his open bedroom door, where filtered light emanated. Ava entered his room, glancing around to get a sense of him, though he’d only set up here for the summer months, but she felt too distracted to pick up on any nuances. He shut the door with a soft click and crossed to stand before her, his gaze soft and filled with longing.
The silence grew thick and heavy between them, until finally he took her hands in his. “Tell me, what have you heard?”
Wesley’s words were not shocking, nor did they require further explanation. The life-altering, job-offering phone call came through this morning while Jack played in the park.
“I got offered a position. A good one.”Why did her voice sound so high? Attempting to convince him? Convince herself?“It’s for a small-town news station. They do weather and traffic reports. I know Jack said he preferred the city but—”He’d adapt. Once again.She would have to do the same, though she felt it might be a hundred times harder for her now that she’d made up for lost time with Wesley this past week.
“Ava,” he sounded tortured, his gaze penetrating deep into her, “what if I can make you a full-time offer?”
He’d given her this amazing summer. She couldn’t expect him to do more.
“I’ve already accepted.”
“No.” His spine became rigid. “No, Ava. I need more time.”
She swallowed hard, ignoring his protest, stating plans. “Now all I need to do is find housing and enroll Jack in school. And fast. September is a couple of weeks away.”
Gripping her arms, he snared her attention. “Wait. Ava. I need to tell you I’m negotiating with the investors, trying to convince them the helicopter is essential for our marketing plan, and not to mention, doubles as transportation.”
Total sadness filled her heart.He wanted her to stay.And though he positioned it as a job to keep her tethered to him, she sensed it went far deeper than that. But getting the investors on board was a long shot. She didn’t have to be a financial genius to see it.
Stepping toward him, she slid her arms around his neck, eager to show him how she felt, because she couldn’t say the words.
He responded with vigor, sweeping her lips in a vulnerable, breath-taking kiss. It said all she needed to hear. She surrendered to him in a night of passion, knowing this might be their only chance to be together and guessing her future would go on without him in it.