Page 9 of Your Path To Me
Chapter 5
My dad always has a way…
The day with Macy was amazing…no…the whole weekend was. It was cut a little short after the encounter with my dad though and I can’t help but wonder if he made her feel insecure. I did see him cut a look at her and I’m going to have to have a talk with him about that before I bring her around any more family. And I definitely plan to.
I've had my eye on this girl since high school and then I fucked it all up. But now I've got a second chance and I do not dare let history repeat itself.
We hung around in the pool just a little longer after the incident with dad yesterday and then Macy said she needed to get home and do some laundry before work on Monday. After I took her home I talked to dad and figured out a way to handle the business in Chicago remotely and that was by no accident. I wanted to surprise Macy for lunch today at the library.
I grabbed the nicest looking bouquet of red roses I could find on the way to see her and secretly checked in with her boss to make sure I could have her for an hour's lunch.
I park my car, and get out brushing my pants down and throwing my fingers through my hair. I can't help the smile that's taking over my face as I make my way into the large brick building.
There she is.
Damn, she's beautiful. She's got on a knee-length black dress with a white cardigan. She doesn't see me as she makes her way back to the checkout desk and that's even better. She flashes a smile as she passes by a patron and those pretty red lips send a shock wave straight down to my rod.
I approach the desk with the roses in front of my face and I hear her voice, “May I help you?”
I jerk the flowers aside and flash my pearly whites at her, “for you my lady,” I extend my hand with the flowers.
“Oh my gosh Archer!” she whispers with excitement.
Her bright smile lights up the room as her chest and cheeks flush.
“What are you doing here? I thought you had business in Chicago today?” her eyes widen.
“I handled it. I wanted to see you.”
She comes out from behind the desk and I meet her at the side of it. She wraps one arm around my neck, “thank you!”
“Shhh!” A harsh hiss comes from a few isles away and we both look.
It’s Mrs. Haddish that reported her for the basement incident and she has a very nasty look on her face.
I chuckle and whisper, "Oh, she's just jealous," and Macy giggles.
“Come on, I’ve got you cleared for lunch.”
“You what?” her jaw drops.
“Yup, I’ve already talked to the boss. You’re mine for an hour…if you’ll have me,” my eyes widen in anticipation.
Her hand lands on my chest with a warm smile, “Of course silly. Let me get my purse.”
I hold my arm out once she rejoins me and wait for her to slide hers around it.
Once she does, we head to the big double doors and I push them open for us.
“Well, well, well,” A familiar voice welcomes us as we move outside.
I know that voice…
“Liza, what are you doing here?” I feel my face scowl.
"Well…" she hisses like a snake as she gets closer to us, "daddy said there was a girl you liked at the library, and well…since you don't share anything with your dear baby sister, I wanted to find out for myself,” she licks her lips and drags her gaze up and down Macy.