Page 27 of More Than Water
He laughs. “So, I take it, you didn’t see the parade?”
“Nope.” I fold my jacket, tucking it next to my hip. “Monster-sized turkey balloons were not on my agenda. Just good old-fashioned family drama with a side of cranberry sauce.”
“Sounds like you could use a drink.”
“I could likely use two.”
“I can get it,” a blond guy with broad shoulders says, rising from the table. “What do you want?”
“Something with alcohol, please.”
He chuckles. “That sounds manageable. What about you, Chandra?”
“Whatever,” she says, shrugging her shoulders. “Just a beer.”
“Be right back.”
The blond leaves the table, and Chandra proceeds to introduce me to Jeremy’s friends. They’re all in the same architecture program and apparently live in the same building.
“And this,” Chandra states as a dark amber lager is placed in front of me by the alcohol-fetching blond, “is Anthony, Jeremy’s roommate.”
“Nice to meet you,” I say, pulling the beer closer. “And thanks. Next one’s on me.”
“Sounds good,” Anthony replies, pulling out the seat across from me. “Or maybe you could let me buy you drinks all night? It would be my honor to serve you, angel.”
Is this guy for real? Lame ass. There’s no way that actually works on girls.
“Is this the part where you ask me, ‘Did it hurt? You know, when you fell from heaven?’”
“Well, did it?” he asks with a wide grin and a slimy wink that makes my skin crawl.
Great. I’m stuck with this guy.
Chandra subtly nudges me with her elbow and smiles in my direction, encouraging the oh-so hopeful and likely never-going-to-happen mating between her boyfriend’s roommate and myself.
This should be a fun evening.
Over the next hour and two beers, I listen to Anthony’s not-so-subtle come-ons between touting on and on about his greatness and egotistical gloating about how he will be taking over his father’s architectural firm once he’s done with school. And, in case I missed it the first five times he mentioned it, he boasts once again that it’s the largest firm in the tri-county area.
“They’re having a fundraising ball in a few weeks,” he tells me, referring to his family’s firm…again. “Everyone will be there—the mayor, a few Major League Baseball players, and the governor. It’s the biggest event in the area this season. Of course, I’ll be there to mingle and network. I’ll likely have to spend most of my time occupying the mayor’s son since we went to school together, but it should be fun.” He winks at me…again and plasters a stupid machismo smile across his face. “You should come, too.”
“Excuse me?” I ask, confused.
“To the event. You can be my date.”
This guy is oblivious. It’s been over thirty minutes since I last uttered a word.Has he not noticed?
“You think about it, doll,” he says way too confidently, rising from his chair. “I’m going to use the loo. That’s what they call the restroom in Europe. I’ll be right back.”
He motherfucking winks again—I swear, he must have a tic—and then he crosses the room toward the bar.
Hopefully, when he takes a piss, his head will deflate a little.
While Jeremy is great for Chandra—nice, decent, and normal—it’s painfully obvious that his roommate is a totally douche and nothing I want near my vagina.