Page 39 of More Than Water
Under the yellow lights, Foster leans in toward James, licking his lips a few times in preparation for their inevitable kiss. The men waggle their brows at one another as the table chants, encouraging them to lock lips. We all can’t wait to watch them swap spit.
Taking the plunge, their mouths collide, and we all hoot and holler in astonishment and laughter. They stay joined for some time as we continue to cheer them on, like it’s some sort of circus act.
“Where’s the tongue?” I demand. “Tongue! Tongue! Tongue!”
The men and Chandra join me in chanting, “Tongue! Tongue! Tongue!” with full knowledge that it’s part of the bet.
Foster lost, and now, it’s time for him to live up to his end of the bargain. After all, we shook on it.
They disconnect their lips, and then James licks Foster’s face—twice, once on each side, salivating all over his cheeks.
“Ew,” cries everyone watching, all in different tones ranging from disgust to delight.
“There,” James announces, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Lots of tongue. Happy?”
“Not really,” I say, laughing. “But it will do. Technically, the bet has been fulfilled.”
I turn my attention to Foster as he dries his face with the sleeve of his shirt. He lifts his eyes to mine, shakes his head, and then teasingly draws the shape of his lips with his tongue.
More tongue.
The room darkens and shifts until I’m seated at the bar with Foster at my side and a line of shots before us.
Another drinking game.
“Go,” I say. “Your turn.”
“Never have I ever kissed two girls on the same night,” he says.
Shit. He’s got me.I take the shot.
“You have?” he asks, astonished.
“I was a freshman once,” I reply nonchalantly. “My turn. Never have I ever shaved all of my pubic hair.”
He laughs. “I think you’re lying.”
“So? Who cares? Have you?”
“Yes.” He pauses and then takes the shot.
“Foster, you’re a kinky, kinky shit.”
He places the glass on the bar’s surface. “Or I swam competitively in high school. My turn. Never have I ever walked in on my parents going to town.”
A discerning sound escapes my lips in disgust. “Thankfully, neither have I. So gross.”
“No kidding.”
“Hey, girl,” Chandra says, appearing at my side. “Are you ready to go?”
In contrast to earlier in the evening, I’m actually having a lot of fun, and the night still feels young. I’m certainly not ready to go.
“No. You go ahead,” I tell her.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, you were planning on going to Jeremy’s anyhow.”