Page 67 of More Than Water
“What do your parents think?”
He laughs, like a giddy child in a candy store. “It doesn’t matter. For the first time, it truly doesn’t matter. I don’t care about what they think. Since meeting her, everything is so simple.”
“Simple,” I repeat, saying the word, trying to understand how he feels.
“Like breathing air and taking that first step, all at the same time.”
He’s taking a bigger-than-life leap with someone else, going beyond the expectations of his breeding. I beam, unable to be anything but ecstatic for him in this moment.
“I’m so happy for you,” I say, throwing my arms around him.
Circling his hands around my waist, he breathes, “Thank you, Evelyn. I was hoping you would be. I’m going to need someone to lean on if she actually says yes. My parents won’t likely be pleased. She’s not you.”
“Of course, she isn’t. No one could be as fabulous as me.”
“You’re so modest.”
“We both know that’s a lie.” I giggle. “Even though she’s not as remarkable as me, I’m sure no one could be better for you than her. I’ve never seen you look the way you do right now. You’re freaking glowing.”
“I appreciate that.”
“And she’d better say yes, or else I’ll kick her law-knowing ass the next time I’m in New York.”
“I’d expect nothing else. Thank you.”
Squeezing him tightly, I cherish his happiness. The kind of love he projects is something I’ll never be able to enjoy. It’s beyond stipulations, expectations, and all the rules we have both come to abide by through the years.
With Gerard’s arms wrapped around my waist, I spy a figure peeking through the doorway. She doesn’t budge, only allowing the pleased look to grow upon her face as she continues to watch Gerard and me in an embrace.