Page 10 of Dance the Tide
He tried to be discreet, but he couldn't stop staring, and after removing Lydia's arm from his—again—he excused himself to go to the restroom.
As he washed his hands, he stared at his reflection but thought about Elizabeth. She wore blue jeans and a black blouse, and her hair was loose, falling around her shoulders. She looked…nice.
Not sexy, not beautiful. Just nice.He sighed.Pull it together, man.
The knot that had settled in his stomach the day he’d gone to her house had steadily tightened over the course of the week, and somehow heknewhe’d misjudged and insulted her. It was a lousy feeling, and he was resolved to improve her opinion of him, at least a little.
When he arrived back at the group, the hostess led them to a large table. Lydia immediately took the seat next to his, while Elizabeth sat across from him.
“Well, look at the three of you,” Charles said. “Three beautiful sisters, if I do say so myself.”
Lydia giggled. “Oh Jane, I like this one. He's much sweeter than those other idiots you've dated.”
Jane nearly choked on her wine, while Charles looked amused. Will shook his head and hid behind his menu.
Lydia flinched. “Ow! Lizzy! Watch those monstrous feet of yours!”
“Sorry. Do you know what you want, Lydia?”
“No, I haven't even had a chance to read the menu!”
“Why don't you do that now?” Elizabeth said pointedly.
“Fine.” Lydia smiled up at Will. “What areyougetting, Willy?”
Will subtly leaned away from her and cleared his throat. “Um, I’m not sure yet.”
* * *
There wasplenty of lively conversation during dinner, and Elizabeth even managed to have short exchanges with William. He was pleasant enough, and she got the impression he was trying, but he seemed uncomfortable and out of his element.
“How's Georgie, Will?” Charles asked.
“Oh, she's fine. Great,” William responded. “I'll tell her you said hello.”
“Oh, who'sGeorgie?” Lydia asked. “She's not your girlfriend, is she, Willy?”
“She's my sister.”
“Oh, that's good.”
Suddenly he jerked in his seat and turned to Lydia with wide eyes. She giggled drunkenly, and Elizabeth had an idea of what was happening…and was mortified. She glanced at Jane and Charles, but they were absorbed in their own conversation.
“Do you mind?” William quietly said to Lydia.
“Idon't mind atall,” she answered, batting her eyelashes and doing something to make him jump again.
“Lydia!” Elizabeth whispered loudly. “Behave!”
Lydia turned to her with furrowed brows. “Be quiet, Lizzy. Just becauseyouhaven't had a man in ages doesn't mean I can't have my fun.”
The conversation between Charles and Jane abruptly stopped, and silence fell over the table. Elizabeth’s cheeks warmed, and she looked at Jane pleadingly.
“Lydia!” Jane said, keeping her voice low.
“God, Lizzy, I was only kidding. Loosen up!” Lydia said loudly, and then sighed as she looked at Will again. “Where were we, Willy?”
“You were removing your hand from my…lap…before I do it for you.”