Page 25 of Dance the Tide
“Well, youhavemanaged to change my opinion of you alittle. Lucky for you.”
“Very lucky for me.”
He lifted his hand and seemed to hesitate, then reached to tuck a curl of her hair behind her ear before quickly dropping his hand and shoving it into his pocket. A brief, awkward silence ensued.
“Um, thanks for stopping by, and for the ice cream,” she finally said, noting the color in his cheeks as her eyes caught on his.
“You're welcome. Thank you for introducing me to The Sundae Shack. And Old Silver.” He cleared his throat and looked away. “I'll call you tomorrow, okay?”
“Sweet dreams.”
He smiled softly, then turned and went down the stairs and was gone.
* * *
The followingmorning found Will sitting in his home office, once again attempting to work but not making any progress at all.
He tried to decipher his last few moments with Elizabeth last night. What the heck was that all about?He’d reached for her, touched her hair, and thankfully she hadn’t panicked and pulled away. But what had compelled him to do it? And more importantly…what didshethink?
When he’d arrived home, Georgiana was sitting on the deck, wrapped in a blanket, watching the moonlight play on the waves. He’d joined her, and ended up telling her about his evening. He knew she was staring at him but he refused to look at her, convinced the teasing and questions would commence at any moment.
“When do I get to meet her?” she finally asked.
He turned to her in surprise. “Um, I don't know. I'm not betting on a second date yet. I just want to get through the first.”
She laughed. “Seriously, Will? You justhadyour first date with her. Technically, tomorrow nightisyour second date.”
He grinned. “I guess so.”
“Why don't you see if she'll come here before you go to dinner? You could go to the inn. I've heard they have fantastic food and that it's very cozy.”
“That's actually not a bad idea. I'll call her in the morning and see what she thinks.” His sister continued to stare, and it made him squirm. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You're very transparent. At least, you are to me. You’re crushing on her.”
He rolled his eyes. Georgiana was well aware he’d only been involved with a few women, and none so seriously that he’d been able to give his full trust. He’d never pursued anyone, and never allowed anyone to get too close. Women were drawn to him—his face, his name, and his wallet had made him a popular target—hence,hewas always the one being pursued.
“It’s weird, I just…I feel a connection,” he admitted. “For the first time, my gut is telling me it’s okay to let my guard down. I’m not sure I like the wordcrush,but right now, I can't come up with something better, so I guess it’s good enough.”
He sighed now and rubbed his face.What is it, exactly, that I’m feeling?
He had no idea, but wanted to find out. For so long, he’d wondered if he’d ever find someone meant for him, someone who lit a spark inside of him and who wanted him for who he was, and not for what he had. He’d wondered if that person even existed, and at the ripe old age of thirty-one, had begun to lose hope.
And now, he was in the throes of…a crush. A crush on someone he’d known for...well, a couple of weeks, but not really. He’d only started to get to know her less than forty-eight hours ago.How is that possible?
He was tired of the women who said or did things solely to gain his approval or get his attention—the women who wanted to be seen with him at clubs or events or have their picture taken while at his side. He’d kept them at an arm’s length, always remaining emotionally detached, never letting his feelings travel beyond fondness and sexual chemistry. But he didn't want that life anymore.
Sitting on the wall with Elizabeth, enjoying some ice cream and watching the sunset…it all seemed so ordinary. Yet to him, it was anything but. It was almost surreal, and he knew it had everything to do with Elizabeth.
She isn’t ordinary. Not by a long shot.