Page 251 of Dance the Tide
Her face was just inches from his, sharing the same pillow, and although her eyes were open, she looked sleepy and wore a small, satisfied grin, one he couldn't resist kissing. He lightly caressed her cheek and nuzzled her nose.
“I love you,” he said, his voice rough.
“I love you too,” she whispered. “You feel so good.”
He hummed his agreement and sighed against her lips, kissing her again. Her fingers wandered over his face, lightly tracing his lips, his nose, over his brow, back down to his jawline, and over his lips again. He nipped at her finger, drawing it into his mouth and sucking on it gently before releasing it.
She smiled, a full, radiant smile, and his heart constricted until it felt like it would break free from his chest. He returned it, feeling completely at peace—at least for the moment—but also feeling utterly and deliriously happy and sated.
She nestled into him, and he wrapped her in his arms, intent on keeping them joined for as long as possible. He felt her breath on his chest as she nuzzled him, rubbing her face in the light sprinkling of hair there.
“Are you okay?” she asked, and kissed his throat.
“Of course I am. How could I not be?”
She shrugged. “We went a little…out of order with things. I know you wanted to talk.”
“And we will.” He sighed as his gaze wandered over what he could see of her body and then traveled back to her eyes, only to be greeted by a perfectly arched brow. “Why I was denying myself this—denying myself you—is beyond me.”
“It's beyond me too.” She laughed when he pinched her bottom. “I'm sorry, I'll be serious.” She stroked his hair. “I think I know what you were trying to do, and I understand it. But this is a way for us to reaffirm and express our feelings, a way for us to give and seek comfort. I want this connection with you. Ineedit. And so do you.”
He nodded, his attention unwavering.
“And I want to make sure you understand,” she went on, “that whatever it is that has you so knotted up…we'll figure it out. And maybe, once we talk about it, it won't seem so daunting.”
He sighed. “It's–it’s not that bad, it really isn't. We just haven’t had an opportunity, we haven't had a lot of time alone, and I guess I felt like I wanted us to have a fresh start before this happened, witheverythingout in the open.”
“I feel that way already,” she said earnestly, her eyes trained on his. “We’ve had our fresh start. After you came to South Carolina… Even though we weren't together again, I knew we would be. It took a little bit of time for me to admit it was what I wanted because I was afraid, but I knew. So maybe that was our fresh start.” She grinned. “As messy as it was.”
He chuckled. “Seductress.”
“I am no such thing.”
“Okay, maybe seductress doesn't really work for what happened in South Carolina, but today…”
“I didn’t plan this.”
His eyes widened and he laughed. “You wore those black panties and that bra! Youdefinitelyhad a plan.”
She grinned. “Okay, I did. I just didn’t think it would happen so quickly. I was really done with giving you a choice in the matter. Sorry.”
“You're not sorry.”
She sighed. “No, I'm really not. Neither are you.”
He shook his head and kissed her. “Not at all.”
They lay snuggled together for a little while longer, neither talking, until Will’s stomach grumbled.
“Are you hungry?” he asked, his hands stroking over her back.
She nodded. “Famished. We haven't eaten since breakfast.”
“Why don't we get takeout? There's a little Chinese place around the corner.”
“That sounds good.”
The problem, Will realized, is that eating would entail moving. She smiled, apparently reading his thoughts.