Page 37 of Dance the Tide
Charles chuckled. “How did this even happen? I mean, I'm not completely surprised—”
“You're not?”
“No. Seriously, Will, you couldn't take your eyes off her at my house last weekend. But two weeks ago you wanted nothing to do with her, and she thought you were a jerk. How did it go from hating to dating so quickly?”
Will shrugged. “It just did. I stopped by her house Sunday night and we went out for ice cream, then—”
“Wait. You went out for ice cream?”
“Yes, Charles. People go out for ice cream.”
“People do. You don't.”
“Well, I did,” Will stated flatly. “Can I continue?”
Charles nodded.
“Then we went to dinner Monday night, and we had a good time. We’ve talked on the phone a couple of times, and I went to her softball game last night.”
He looked at Charles expectantly, waiting for the inevitable questions and remarks of disbelief, but instead there was silence.
“So, that's it,” Will finally said. “What do you think?”
“Why does it matter what I think? If you like her, go for it.” Charles looked at his empty plate, then raised his eyes to Will’s again. “You went to a softball game?”
Will grinned. “Why is it so surprising that I would go to a softball game? Or go out for ice cream? Am I really so dull that you can’t envision me enjoying either of those things?
Charles shook his head. “I don't think you're dull at all. I know who you really are, underneath the stuffy exterior and the snobby attitude.”
Charles laughed when Will rolled his eyes, then grew serious again.
“The fact that you're letting someone in, that you’re letting awomansee that side of you...that'swhat's surprising. I knew you would eventually meet someone—I hoped you would, anyway. I guess I didn't expect it to be Jane's sister.”
“I didn’t either. Is that okay with you? I'm only asking to be polite, because it doesn't really matter to me if it's okay with you or not.”
Charles laughed again then turned somber. “Look, Will, she’s my girlfriend's sister. You know I care about Jane very much. Just be nice to her, okay?”
Will felt a flash of irritation. “What’s that supposed to mean? Since when have you ever seen me be anythingbutnice to any woman I've dated?”
“Well, that's just it—you're nice to them, and then you dump them. I know how you are.”
“Those women—the few there have been—were not looking to have any kind of meaningful relationship with me. I met their needs, they met mine.”
“Are you sure about that?” Charles asked quietly. “Or is that what you tell yourself to make it easier to walk away?”
“Does it matter?” Will shook his head and lowered his voice. “This is different. Elizabeth is different.”
Charles began to speak, but Will interrupted him.
“I know what you're going to ask me, and I don't know how I know. I just know.” He paused. “It scares the shit out of me, honestly, but I can’t ignore it. I can’t ignore how I feel.”
Charles looked at Will with an almost comical expression. “Don't forget, I'm dating her sister. I know what you're going through.”