Page 48 of Dance the Tide
He kissed her again, amazed he’d been able to speak so honestly and candidly, and convinced she could hear his heart as it tapped out a staccato rhythm in his chest. Her eyes met his, and he smiled.
“And right now…it’s leading us to the aquarium?”
She grinned and nodded. “It’s leading us to the aquarium.”
They left the car and began walking again, and when he thought back to what she’d said about jumping in too fast, he knew it was already too late for him.
I've already jumped. And I'm completely over my head.
* * *
They leftthe aquarium two hours later, and Will felt like he’d been to school. She was knowledgeable about so many things they’d seen; everything fascinated her, which in turn fascinated him. As they walked back to the car, his cell phone rang, and he saw it was Charles.
“Hey, what's up?”
“Hey. How's your afternoon?”
“Couldn't be better.”
“Great. Um, there’s a little snag in our plans tonight. Caroline stopped by this afternoon…”
Will sighed. “Let me guess—we’ll have a fifth for dinner?”
“Sorry. Jane mentioned you were coming over, and Caroline went on and on about having nothing to do, so Jane felt bad and invited her to join us. I just wanted to give you a heads-up.”
“It's fine, don't worry about it.”
Will told Charles he’d see him later and ended the call. He pocketed his phone and stared straight ahead as they walked, feeling sullen.
Elizabeth squeezed his hand. “Is someone else joining us tonight?”
“Yes. Charles's sister, Caroline.”
“Oh. Jane has mentioned her before. She seems nice.”
He grunted. “I’m not sure how to describe Caroline. She’s…someone who needs to be experienced.”
They walked the rest of the way in silence, and when they reached the car, he gave himself a mental shake. Yes, he was annoyed that Caroline would be there tonight, but he needed to get over it. He turned to Elizabeth before opening the passenger door and kissed her lightly.
“I had a great afternoon. Thank you for spending it with me.”
“I enjoyed it too. Thank you for indulging me.” She stood on her tiptoes for another quick kiss. “I could get used to being indulged.”
“That's what I'm hoping.” He opened the car door for her and then walked around to the driver’s side, smiling from ear to ear.
Nothing can put a damper on this day. Not even Caroline.