Page 55 of Dance the Tide
As Elizabeth drove home a short while later, she thought about everything Georgiana had told her, everything she’d gone through, and couldn't imagine the pain and the horror Georgiana must have felt. Elizabeth wasn't naïve; she knew things like that happened—probably more often than she thought. She only wished she’d been able to offer words of comfort or advice.Anything. But she’d been so shocked by the horrible tale, she hadn’t knownwhatto say.
Georgiana had told her it was okay to let Will know that they’d talked; she thought it might help him, knowing he could talk freely with Elizabeth. Georgiana knew he still struggled with whatheviewed as a lapse in his care and protection of her.
She arrived home, and after a short good night conversation with Will, she climbed into bed. She’d taken a few Fridays off during the summer to give herself long weekends, and since tomorrow was one of those Fridays, he decided to come back to the Cape a little earlier and they made plans to spend the afternoon at the beach. She debated telling him that Georgiana had confided in her, but ultimately decided it was not a conversation to be had on the phone; she would wait and talk to him about it another time.
She thought about what Georgiana had said about Will and his feelings for her, and knew that if anyone would know his true feelings, it would be his sister.
She’d done so well avoiding a relationship over the past few years, shying away from anyone who’d showed the slightest interest in anything beyond a first date… But somehow, Will had slipped past her defenses.
Maybe I’m not just a passing fancy. Maybe he’ll stick around.
Their month together had flown by, and she was becoming more enamored with him with each passing day. Everything about him felt soright. For years, she’d taken her insecurities and fears and had wrapped them around her like a well-worn blanket, burrowing beneath it. But now, this wonderful man had come into her life and was slowly and gently tugging at it, trying to pull it away.
Andoh, was she attracted to him! He didn't even have to touch her to turn her into a pile of mush—all it took was those lovely brown eyes, staring at her so intently… And when hedidtouch her, it was indescribable. Her body came to life, all of her senses enveloped by him.
She was no innocent; she knew the effect she had on him too, and shewantedto give in to it and let herself be swept away, wanted to let her body make the decision for her. But she knew that when she did, there would be no turning back. When she gave him her body, she would be entrusting him with her heart as well, and she wasn't ready to do that. Not yet. Those vexing doubts persisted, and she didn't know how to dispel them.
She yawned and closed her eyes, forcing her mind to still, and drifted off knowing she would be wrapped up in his strong arms very soon.
* * *
Will zippeddown the highway on Friday, looking forward to spending the rest of the day with Elizabeth. He’d brought a change of clothes in case they decided to do something tonight; he could shower at her place and avoid driving back to New Seabury.
They’d been dating now for about four weeks, and as cliché as it sounded, they’d been the best four weeks of his life. He felt happier, lighter, more complete…as if something he wasn’t aware he’d been missing had finally and unexpectedly clicked into place. She was the first thing on his mind when he woke, and the last thing he thought about before he drifted off to sleep.
They saw each other as much as possible, usually a couple of times during the week, and every weekend. He’d finally joined her for a few runs on the bike path—and she’d soundly outpaced him every time.
Wherever they went, she was never without a camera. He loved watching her when she was focused on taking pictures—her lips formed the sexiest little pout. She frequently turned the camera on him, and he began to see more pictures of himself popping up around her house. He’d even taken a few of her, which held prominent place in his offices and homes.
They spent a lot of time at the beach, lying in the sun and playing in the surf, and had enjoyed too many sunsets to count. He became a regular at her softball games and was getting to know some of her coworkers, and noticed Bill Collins usually avoided them. If Will wasn't in Boston, they usually stayed in at night, preferring to watch a movie or sit out on the deck, at either her place or his, and just talk. And every Sunday night, rain or shine, they would go out for ice cream and then drive to the beach. They learned a great deal about each other on those little dates.
Whenever they were together, they would invariably end up tangled in each other, kissing and caressing until they were both so heated, they had to physically separate to calm down. She always stopped things before they went too far, and he knew that something was holding her back. He hoped that eventually, she would trust him enough to confide her fears and uncertainties in him. Until then he would wait patiently and continue to follow her lead.
He was especially anxious to see her today. After talking to Richard this morning, he’d decided a trip to California was necessary, and sooner rather than later. Richard had whittled the list of six architects down to two and wanted Will to sit in on the final interviews. He would fly out Monday morning and return Friday, allowing him to be back for Independence Day festivities, and Elizabeth's birthday a few days after that. Still, the thought of not seeing her for five days was unbearable.
He pulled into the small space next to her Jeep and jogged up the stairs to her deck. Looking down to the beach, he saw her lying on her back in her emerald-green bikini, and smiled as he felt the now-familiar tug in his stomach…and lower.
She’d left his swim trunks on her bed, so he changed quickly and headed down to join her. She was lying perfectly still, her lips slightly parted, her breathing even and deep, and he wondered if she’d dozed off. He knelt down and straddled her knees, trying to be sneaky, but her eyes flew open when she sensed his presence. She squealed and threw her arms around him, pulling him down to the blanket.
“You scared me!”
He kissed her. “I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not.” She laughed, and then sighed. “I'm so happy you're here.”
“I'm happy I'm here too.” Her skin was warm from the sun and smelled like coconut. “You smell good enough to eat.”
“It’s the sunscreen. Probably doesn't taste as good as it smells.”
“I'll let you know.”
He kissed and nipped along her jaw, down her neck, and further down her chest, between the two triangles of material that covered her breasts. His tongue darted out to trace the swell of each, then he kissed his way back up her neck, eventually reaching her lips again and kissing her deeply.
He finally released her and rolled to his back. When she settled next to him, he turned on his side to face her and rested his hand on her stomach.
“You know how I've been talking about going to California soon to take care of some things there?”
She turned toward him and opened one eye. “Yes.”