Page 78 of Dance the Tide
“Oh, it's Charles. Do you mind?” she asked, looking between Elizabeth and Caroline.
“Of course not,” Caroline said. “You can't ignore my brother!”
They laughed, and Jane excused herself and walked into the lobby of the restaurant.
“So, Elizabeth, how are things with William?” Caroline asked.
“Things are fine,” Elizabeth answered vaguely.
“You’re very lucky. There are many women who would love to be in your shoes. And, given time...”
Elizabeth frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, let’s just say that William isn’t known for his longevity in relationships. He flits, like a hummingbird. Samples one flower, takes his fill, and then moves on to the next pretty bloom.”
Elizabeth remained silent, at a loss for words.
“Your relationship, or whatever it is... Just remember, it hasn't been too long. I wouldn’t become too attached or invested, if you know what I mean.” Caroline offered a sympathetic smile. “I don't doubt you've enjoyed your time with him. He can be quite...delightful.”
Elizabeth fully understood Caroline’s implication about what she founddelightfulabout Will, but refused to share any information about their relationship.
“We’re enjoying each other very much,” she said simply.
“I'm sure you are. He’s amazing, especially—” She stopped and pursed her lips. “Well, I'm sure his talents aren’t news to you. Just consider yourself forewarned—he gets bored easily. I speak from experience. He's even worse with you Cape girls.”
What experience does she speak from?
“I'm just trying to give you a friendly warning,” Caroline went on. “Don't let yourself get too involved. You'll only end up getting hurt. Just enjoy the fun while it lasts.”
Elizabeth looked Caroline straight in the eyes. “Maybe the problem isn't the hummingbird. Maybe it's the flowers he's been feeding from.”
Caroline shrugged. “Time will tell.”
Elizabeth sighed. Was she really having this conversation? Caroline was clearly implying she’d had some kind of relationship with Will. Is that why he said not to trust her? Jane couldn’t be aware of it; she never would have made plans for the three of them to spend time together if she knew Caroline and Will had been involved.
Jane rejoined them, and Caroline smiled. “Is my brother surviving without you?”
“Oh, he's fine. He just wanted to check in.”
“He’s quite smitten,” Caroline said. “You may be stuck with him for a while.”
Jane grinned. “I don’t mind being stuck.”
Elizabeth studied Caroline. It seemed she was being genuine with Jane, and that’s what was so confusing; she truly seemed pleased for Jane and Charles. She wasn't being fake. She wasn't being condescending or manipulative.
Could what she said be true?
She didn't knowwhatto believe. All she knew was that she was ready for this night to be over. She glanced at her watch and saw that it was nearing nine thirty.
“Well, ladies, I think it’s time for me to go. I have a full day ahead of me tomorrow, and I know I'll be getting my good night call soon.” Elizabeth turned to Caroline. “I don't want to missthat.”
“Call me tomorrow when you're home from work,” Jane said. “We'll figure out a time to get together. I guess I'm cooking, which means I get to pick what we're eating.”
“Good night, Elizabeth,” Caroline said. “It was so nice to spend time with you today. I look forward to tomorrow.”
Elizabeth nodded. “Me too. Bye, ladies. Don't stay out too late.”
She walked out of the restaurant and released a huge breath. The drive home was a blur and before she knew it, she was walking up the stairs to her deck. She sank down into a chair and stared out at the lights across the sound as Caroline’s remarks and smug expression plagued her thoughts.