Page 82 of Dance the Tide
“Youknowyou're more than that to him. Charles can see it. He's told me Will is a totally different person since he's been with you.”
“Maybe not so different after all.”
“What do you mean?”
Elizabeth swallowed thickly. “Since he’s been in California, I call him in the morning before I go to work. Even though it's only four thirty or so out there, he always asks me to call so we can say good morning. And today, a woman answered. I thought I’d somehow called the wrong number, but she said he was there. Sleeping.”
Jane’s eyes widened. “But…there has to be an explanation.”
“He went out with Richard and Anne last night. What if it was her? Caroline said she has the hots for him. What if he slept with her?”
“No, that's not Will. He's crazy about you, I know he is. He wouldn't do that to you.”
“How do you know?”
Jane shrugged. “I just have a feeling. Will is not that kind of guy.”
“I never thought Jason was the kind of guy who would just walk out, but guess what? He was sothat guy.”
“Let's not go down that road.”
“I have to go down that road! I was finally beginning to trust Will. I felt–I felt ready. Ready to move forward. It’s been five weeks…and Iwantto trust him, because I'm falling in love with him.” She shook her head. “What do I do now?”
“Let me ask you something. How do you know Caroline was telling the truth?”
Elizabeth shrugged. “I don’t, I guess. And I wondered that, but after this morning—remember what she said about Anne yesterday? Now I don’t know what to believe.”
“I wish I had answers for you,” Jane told her. “But the only person who has them is Will. You're going to have to talk to him.”
“I know.”
“Have you slept with him?”
“Not yet.” Elizabeth grinned sadly. “It hasn’t been easy, believe me. Maybe if I had—”
“If hedidsleep with someone else, and that's a bigif, it's not because you haven’t slept with him.”
Elizabeth felt a sudden swell of anger. “No, it’s because she was there. Ripe for the picking. I mean, how could he say no, right?”
“Youdon't knowwhat happened,” Jane said calmly. “Stop assuming you do. Right now, you're hurting and confused. You need to talk to Will, and the sooner, the better. This could all be a giant misunderstanding.”
Elizabeth knew her sister was right. They sat in companionable silence for a while, and Jane reached for Elizabeth’s hand.
“I have to go. Caroline is probably wondering what happened to me. Ugh, I don't even want to talk to her now.”
“Please don’t say anything to her. If she finds out I talked to you, then she'll know she got to me, and I don't want to give her the satisfaction. Just tell her I'm sick or something, and that you had to run an errand for me. Okay?”
“Okay. But it's going to be awfully hard to pretend I don't think she's a vindictive bitch.”
Elizabeth grinned halfheartedly and squeezed her sister’s hand. “Do your best.”
They hugged and when Jane left, Elizabeth went inside. She walked into her bedroom to change, and spotted Will's Harvard sweatshirt draped over her chair. It had been washed several times since she’d claimed it, but it still smelled faintly of him. At least, she imagined it did. She pulled on her pajama bottoms and the sweatshirt and then went into the kitchen to fix something to eat.
She knew Jane was right; she had to talk to him, but she couldn’t do it tonight. She needed a little more time to sort through her thoughts, and really needed a good night’s sleep.
Her cell phone rang, and when she saw his smiling face on the screen, her stomach tumbled, and she let it go to voice mail.