Page 86 of Dance the Tide
“I didn't knowwhatto think. She completely blindsided me.”
He shook his head, his expression now a tangle of anger and disbelief. “Do you really believe I'm the man she described?”
She shook her head. “No. I told you, I didn't knowwhatto believe.”
Will sat backand took a deep breath. He had to remind himself to keep his cool, though it was becoming increasingly more difficult.
“I had no idea which end was up by the time our conversation ended,” Elizabeth went on. “Even knowing how you feel about Caroline…she was soconvincing. I hope you understand the position I was in.”
“But do you honestly think I’m so insensitive, so callous, that I wouldputyou in that position? That I would be okay with us having dinner with her in Boston, and think nothing of you hanging out with her here, if I'd slept with her?” He paused. “Look, I know how Caroline can be, and I know she took advantage of the situation. She knows how to play people, and she played you.”
“But then Jane mentioned that Charles had told her something about you and Caroline having a history. But I didn’t know anything about that untilafterCaroline said all those things.”
“Caroline and I have been to a few events together, only because I needed a date and she was available. If she made our history seem like something more than that, even to Charles, she's delusional. I’ve never even kissed her. She’s made it obvious she wants more—and I knowwhyshe wants more. Believe me, it’s not because she has feelings for me. But I’ve never encouraged her. I’ve always kept her at arm’s length and have never given heranyreason to think she would ever be more than a friend. And right now, she’s not even that.”
He had to address the other statements Caroline had made, and he reached for Elizabeth’s hands. “The women I’ve dated are just that: women I've dated. There’s never been anyone special, and the few relationships I’ve had didn’t last long.”
He kissed her temple as he thought about how much of his feelings he was willing to reveal.
“I've told you that I think about you all the time. I've never said that to anyone before. I've never told anyone that I've dreamed about them. I've never taken anyone out for ice cream—unless you count Georgie—or been so enthusiastic about a softball game.”
He stroked her hair, and she turned watery eyes up to his.
“I've never danced in the ocean and watched sunsets with anyone. And I've never, ever sung for anyone.Toanyone. But I've done all of those things with you. In one month.”
“Five weeks,” she whispered, and he smiled.
“Okay, five weeks. What I'm trying to say is, I feel like I've lived an entire life in that small amount of time. Because of you.”
She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face against his neck, and he held her tightly as his heart beat out a furious rhythm in his chest. He tipped her head up and kissed her, his lips caressing hers gently. His previous ire at Caroline was gone—for now—and in its place settled a sort of relief that he’d finally told Elizabeth how she’d brought him to life.
She rested her head on his shoulder. “I'm so sorry. I can't believe I let her manipulate me. Honestly, I think it was easy for her, and I know it’s partly my fault. Everything has been such a blur. I was just living my life, and all of a sudden, were in it. It's been a whirlwind. Agoodwhirlwind, but still… Every once in a while, I catch myself wondering if this is just a fluke, if I'm just a summer fling you’ll forget about when you go back to Boston. Back to your other life.”
“But thereisno other life,” he said firmly. “And you aren't a summer fling. I don't want that.”
“I didn't know that. Not for sure.”
“But you do now.”
She nodded, and after a long silence, spoke again. “I have…I have a hard time with trust. I haven't been in a relationship in a long time.”
He swallowed heavily. “I struggle with it too. It’s–it’s difficult for me to let my guard down and let someone in.” He paused. “I think it’s different for both of us, but I think we’re doing pretty well moving forward. I've already told you, I'm willing to do this at your speed—and not just physically. In every way.” He curled a lock of her hair around his finger. “But you need to believe me when I say I don't want anyone else. I only want you.”
“Me too. Just you.”
He smiled and when they kissed again, he felt the tears on her cheeks and kissed them away, holding her tightly to him, until a quiet grumble from his stomach interrupted them and they both laughed softly.
“Hungry?” she asked.
“I must be. I haven't eaten since…” He frowned. “I don't know when I ate last, actually.”
She rose from the couch and held out her hand. “Come on. We need to feed you.”
* * *
Elizabeth woke suddenly,squinting against the sunlight filling the room. It took her a moment to remember exactly how she’d come to be here, snuggled up against Will. He’d been exhausted, and she’d encouraged him to nap after they finished lunch. Once he was soundly asleep on her bed, she’d curled up behind him, spooning him contentedly, and had immediately drifted off.
Now, he stroked her arm and lifted her hand to press a kiss to her palm.