Page 6 of Protective Beast
My cock is rock fucking hard right now. I’m on fire. I need a release so badly it feels like I’m going to burst into flames.
I peel away from her house and drive until I can’t take it anymore. I pull behind an abandoned store and throw my truck in park.
There’s no one around so I yank my throbbing cock out. It’s so hard. So long. So goddamn needy.
I wrap my hand around my burning shaft and give it four hard strokes while I think about my girl. I erupt like a volcano, spewing come all over my hand.
I wish she was here to see it. To see how hard she makes me. To see how crazy she drives me.
And I wish she was here to clean it all up with her sexy little tongue.
Next time, she will be.
* * *
I swear the clock over the blackboard is broken. It’s not moving. Time has been standing still all day as I wait for the last bell to ring.
My chemistry teacher Mr. Grason is blabbering on and on about how amazing Beryllium is and I couldn’t give any less of a fuck. All I want is to run out of these doors, sprint to the parking lot, and see Elijah waiting by his truck for me.
There was something there in the truck yesterday. It wasn’t just coming from me either. I could sense it from him, almost like a possessive vibe with the way he was looking at me like I was all his.
There’s no way he would go for me, I remind myself for the twentieth time today. He’s way out of my league. I wouldn’t even know what to do with a man like Elijah. I wouldn’t even know where to start with a beast like him.
He could get any girl he wanted and I doubt that he would pick me. I could see him with a tall, beautiful, accomplished woman who always knew the right words to say and who could write a full dissertation on the pros and cons of Beryllium in between her five am yoga class and starting her job as an executive at some fancy tech start-up that’s cleaning up the oceans while at the same time making a healthy profit.
There’s no way he would choose me with women like that out there vying for his attention. He was probably just being nice because I’m his best friend’s dorky little cousin.
I got nothing going for me. The whole school knows it and that’s why they’ve all turned on me. I’m crazy to even think that I have a chance with a smart, sexy, hot-as-hell-in-July man like Elijah.
He probably pities me more than anything.
But I’m still excited to see him. Excited to see those beautiful light brown eyes gazing at me and making me feel like the most special girl in the world even though I’m anything but. Excited to get in the truck and smell his masculine scent that smells like pure joy. Excited to sneak peeks at his strong massive arms and thick legs while wondering what’s hiding under those clothes.
The bell rings and my back straightens. This is it!
My heart is pounding as I gather my things. There’s a lightness in my chest as I’m suddenly energized to the max.
I’m biting down my smile as Mr. Grason reminds us about our test next week.
“What are you smiling about?” Bryce Williams asks as he walks by my desk and leers down at me with that horrible face of his. “Excited to hang out with your complete lack of friends?”
Malik Jones comes up behind him and they both start laughing. People start looking. I hear more giggles.
My cheeks turn red as I shove the assignment I’ve been working on all week into my binder and stand up.
Bryce yanks it out.
“Hey!” I say as I try to grab it, but he’s tall and he holds it out of my reach.
“Thanks for doing my homework,” he says with a laugh as he shoves it into his binder. “I guess dorks are good for something after all.”
“Mr. Williams,” the teacher says with a stern look. “Give Miss Bardot her paper back.”
Bryce rolls his eyes as he pulls my paper back out and slaps it onto my desk, only now it’s all crumpled up.
“It’s probably an F paper anyway,” he mutters under his breath as he glares at me. “Dorks may be good for something, but a dumb dork like you is just fucking useless.”
Malik and he let out those grating laughs as they head for the door.
Bryce is the worst out of all of my tormentors. He’s the quarterback and thinks he’s hot shit. Malik is the school’s top receiver and just as much of a prick. I hate them both.
I linger in the classroom until almost everyone is gone and then I head out to my locker. The halls are packed, but I manage to get my bag and head to the front door without any more incidences. It’s a gorgeous day outside and everyone’s excited for the football home game on Friday. They barely notice me as I scurry by with my head down.