Page 29 of Bodyguard By Night
“You’re a dick.”
“You came to me.”
“Obviously, I’m am idiot.” She tried to shake free. I would have let her if I didn’t see the fear there under the bravado.
“Instincts were called paranoia first, Chaos.”
She stiffened.
“Too many people ignore them until it’s too late.” Myself included. Especially right now. All my instincts were screaming for me to push her out the door.
There was trouble swirling in those hazel eyes. Defiance, fear, pride—but the only one that tugged at me was the fear.
She let out a gusty sigh and twisted free. This time, I let her go. “Something happened today. Twice. It doesn’t make sense.”
“If you don’t get to the point…”
“Right. You’re right. Okay, so I should probably start at the beginning.”
This was going to be a long night. I pinched the bridge of my nose and prayed for deliverance.
“So, you know I have the whole channel thing, right? Not really a YouTube channel, but that’s in my future plans. Anyway, that’s not the point. I have a lot of followers. Some are the troll types. They’re easy to ignore. Well, not easy, but I’ve grown a slightly thicker skin.”
Her fair, freckled skin was anything but thick. The internet was a cesspool, so I was sure she got some interesting comments on her videos. I’d read a few and had to exit out of the app.
Fucking pigs out there.
“Right. I know how the comment section works.”
“So, I have some people that are a little too familiar. I mean, I don’t know for sure and I can’t really know because there was no note, but…”
I frowned. “Slow down.”
She blew out a controlled breath. It was a miracle. I didn’t think she had it in her.“Okay, right. I got this box at my apartment. Something I really wanted.”
Her eyes sparkled suddenly and the excitement I usually saw in her videos was right there in front of me, only far more intensely. I suddenly wished for a hoodie or an apron.
“It was this really cool,reallyexpensive kitchen storage setup. Like whoa, top of the line, and while I have lots of collaboration opportunities thanks to my channel—not something like this.”
“You don’t give out your address to people, right?” I interrupted her as the thought flashed.
“No.” She shook her head vehemently. “No. I have a PO Box. I’m not stupid.”
The space between my shoulder blades started to itch. It wasn’t unheard of for people to give out their address as easily as they breathed. Not many people thought about security the way I did—exactly why so many got their identities stolen.
“Look. I’m careful. Very few people have my physical address. Not even utilities. I just pay my share to one of the girls in my apartment. Or I did, but that’s not what this is about.”
I frowned. “We’ll get back to that one.”
She did that nose wrinkle thing. “Anyway, I know it wasn’t Rachel. She’s all wedding all the time right now. And while it’s kind of a Rachel gift…” She twisted her fingers together. “Maybe it was a Rachel gift. Maybe I’m just being crazy.”
“Did you ask her?”