Page 34 of Bodyguard By Night
He gave me a hard look, and I lifted my gaze to his face. I couldn’t help it if I was curious. Which was why I was uneasy about him looking at my history.
It was easy to go down rabbit holes on social media. From true crime to fashion, to make-up, to haunted places. It was a time suck, but it was also fascinating for someone like me.
Everything seemed interesting. Cooking was just on top of the pile.
“Look, I don’t care if you’re watching thirst traps. Aidan Roth won’t care either.”
My neck heated and I was pretty sure my face was scarlet. There were probably a few too many Loki and Winter Soldier videos in my history too. “He doesn’t work for Clay, does he? Rachel said he does some security things.”
Ransom shook his head. “Different circle. He’s more personal security, where Clay is cyber and game.”
I relaxed a bit. I didn’t know much about the security world, but I’d figured they might’ve been in each other’s circles. I really didn’t want to worry Clay or Rachel right now. The wedding was right around the corner and then they were going on a nice long honeymoon.
My odd gifts were not cause for holding any of that up. And I knew my sister, she’d cancel everything. Especially with what had happened before.
I set my fork down and tucked my hands under the table. I really didn’t want to stumble down memory lane there. Nor did I want to rehash it with Ransom.
He gave me a long look, but he didn’t say anything. I was almost certain he had some secret mind-reading talent. He didn’t want in this melon. My Gemini brain would give him apoplexy.
I cleared my throat and picked up my fork again. “Roth is who you mentioned earlier?”
Ransom nodded as he broke open the second half of his potato. “Aidan will probably try to recruit me again.” He pointed at me with his fork. “I blame you.”
“I do appreciate it.” I nearly moaned as I took a bite of my steak. “Really. I know it’s a huge inconvenience.”
He stared again and I tried for an innocent look. It was tough since my mouth was having a foodgasm.
Finally, he resumed chewing. “I can handle it. If it turns out to be something more than a nuisance, we’re going to tell Clay and Rachel.”
“After the wedding.”
He paused between shovels. “Fine. It’ll take some time to get Roth to dig in there. I’ll also have him do a web crawl on you.”
I frowned. “That doesn’t sound good.” I forked up some buttery cheesy potatoes and let out the moan I’d been holding back. “Dear God.”
He glanced at me, his storm-cloud eyes flat, but then he did the whole jaw clench thing and I had to swallow twice. The man was a menace.
“It’s good.”
“I know.”
I rolled my eyes. Then he said shit like that to remind me that an annoying attraction would be easy to ignore. Unless I went for more of a hate bang.
No hate banging, Willow Renee Doyle.
We ate the rest of our meal without conversation. I was tempted to fill the space, but he seemed to be working something out in his head. After we were finished, we cleaned up in companionable silence.
When the last dish was put away, he wiped down the counters. I tried really hard not to watch all his muscles flex and bunch. I was very unsuccessful.
“Does your sister know you’re here?”
“Think maybe you should check in?”
“Probably.” I draped myself over the clean kitchen island.Ugh.“I suck at lying though.”
“Yeah, you do.”