Page 85 of Bodyguard By Night
I resisted the urge to touch her exposed expanse of belly. And more importantly, to find out if those straps came undone easily. “Only if you want everyone distracted today.”
Her laugh filled the kitchen.“You?That’s new.”
I wasn’t a big fan of the realization, but I damn well wasn’t walking into that conversation. “I’m going to go shower off the sawdust.”
“Okey doke. I’ll see what I can find in the box of crazy.”
I stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “So, that outfit was in the giveaway pile or what?”
“The out of my comfort zone pile. Now that I know it makes you all growly, I’ll try a few more on.”
I groaned. “Good thing we’re going to get your stuff from Clay’s.”
“Yeah, good thing.” But she was smiling way too widely.
Yep, I was officially in trouble.
I took a quick shower and changed into jeans and a Henley. Spring might have arrived, but the heat part was still on hiatus.
I found her waiting for me downstairs. The kitchen was sparkling, and the music had changed over to a moody Halsey track. She’d swapped the dick-killer pants for jeans and a Ramones shirt layered over a button-down white shirt with a pair of well loved Vans.
Just when I thought I had her figured out, she changed lanes on me.
She’d done something to her eyes to make them look huge and mysterious. She looked up and smiled at me before glossing her lips with a killer red shade, turning her from sweet to…
Something I didn’t want to examine any further.
All I knew was that my jeans were too fucking tight, and I had to spend the day with her. Bonus points for me if I didn’t do something stupid like drag her back upstairs and find out what her lips looked like when they were smudged.
“Definitely.” She shoved her makeup in her bag and hooked it over her shoulder. Where the hell she’d found that massive bag, I didn’t want to know.
“What exactly do you need to haul around with you?”
Her lips quirked up. “You probably don’t want to know.”
“You’re right. I don’t.”
I held the door open for her, and she ducked under my arm, trailing the scent of lemons in her wake. Midnight had disappeared into the woods along the back of my property as per usual.
Her long legs perfectly matched my pace, and we got into the Jeep without conversation. She was checking something on her phone, then she shoved it into her bag.
“Not putting your day on the internet?”
She wrinkled her nose. “No. I’ll do that later just for you. The joys of an online life mean I have to answer some comments. I’ll get some footage in town though. Where’s the tux place?”
“There’s a place in Crescent Cove.”
“Oh. I haven’t been there for a long time. Imagine the tuxedos in Turnbull? Clay’s family would faint.”
My family too. I had a tux from working with Clay, but I was pretty sure the Kevlar-layered black on black wouldn’t work for a wedding.
I’d been out of the loop with using my family tailor. If I’d been more on the ball, that was what I should have done.
The Cove was a quick trip from Turnbull. We stopped at the coffee shop Brewed Awakening for a jolt of caffeine. Chaos lit up like a Christmas tree at the eclectic café. She couldn’t stay put long enough to do her order, so I just got her an iced coffee from the specials board.
She was off taking videos, chatting with people, and making waves without even trying. People were naturally drawn to her. They couldn’t help but do anything she asked.