Page 87 of Flawless Desire
“This should do it.”The locksmith stands back, and then hands me a new key.
“Thanks.” I gulp.
I spent the night alone, quaking in my bed, then first thing in the morning, called my super to send someone to change the locks.
Oddly enough, although the door was open, nothing inside was disturbed. That doesn’t help me feel better. All I can do was think about that huge man, and his words: Tell him Nero Barretti isn’t a man you keep waiting.
Caleb texted me last night, to tell me he was about to catch a flight back, but I didn’t answer. I couldn’t. I need to think.
Because now, I’m scared to death. Not just of this Nero guy—but the fact that Caleb seems to be mixed up with him.
What’s going on?
I can’t help wondering if this means that there’s some truth to Olivia’s allegations.
As the super’s working, I hear Kelsey’s voice out on the stairs. She comes in, eyes wide. “What happened? Did someone break in?”
I nod, deciding not to tell her about our large visitor. It would only freak her out, and I’m freaked enough for the both of us. “I came back and found the door open,” I explain. “But it doesn’t look like anything was taken. Not that we have much to take,” I add.
“Oh, my god! How scary,” she says, shuddering as she gives me a hug. “And you stayed here alone last night? If you called me, I would’ve come back! I was just out at Jill’s.”
Jill is her younger sister. “I’m fine,” I reassure her, even though I know I won’t be sleeping for a week. “I’m sure it’s nothing. Just some petty thieves.” I check the time. “I’ve got to go. I’m late for work.”
“OK, but call me if you need!” Kelsey insists.
Caleb’s due back this afternoon, so the office is a buzz of activity, but Victoria is busy flitting between departments, which means I get a moment alone to think.
The first thing I do is pull my computer close bring up Google.
Nero Barretti.
There’s plenty of hits about people called Barretti, but nothing I can see about a Nero.
Nero Barretti, NYC.
This time, I get more targeted results, but still, no Nero.
But I notice, there’s a lot about someone named Roman Barretti. And it’s nothing good:
Suspected Mob boss, Roman Barretti, 53, was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy over a multi-state drug trafficking ring…
I pull my screen closer, scanning the page.
The trial of Roman Barretti for numerous charges, from suspected murder to loan sharking, ended in a mistrial after the disappearance of several key witnesses...
Another trial against Roman Barretti begins today in New York, with the FBI boasting of a key witness inside his organization.
I scan the stories, a sick feeling growing in my gut, until I find the one word that confirms my suspicions: Mafia.
I stare at the page, a chill running down my spine.
Is the guy outside my apartment connected to this guy?
Did Caleb bring the Mob to my door?
Suddenly, there’s a commotion in the lobby. I look up to see Caleb striding in, with an entourage. Victoria scurries alongside him, and half a dozen other people are clamoring for his attention.