Page 13 of Flawless Prize
The following week,things go back to normal.
At least, as normal as they can be, after everything that’s happened.
Inside, I think I’m dying. Caleb told me to stay away from him. He doesn’t want anything to do with me.
Kind of hard to do that, considering I work right outside his office.
Besides, all I want to do is be near him. To figure out how we can fix this.
And I don’t think it’s even about my betrayal anymore. Caleb says he doesn’t care about me, but you don’t show up at the hospital if you couldn’t care less about someone. You don’t go storming off to confront a dangerous man over a woman that means nothing to you.
I could see it in his eyes. He cares. Which means there’s still a chance for us. If I can find a way past this new barrier he’s building around his heart. I can tell, he’s trying to protect me.
He’s afraid that he’s going to get me hurt.
But he doesn’t get how much it’s already hurting me, to have this chasm between us. It’s excruciating, the worst pain I’ve ever felt.
But I have to find a way to cross the divide. So, after sitting around Mara’s apartment watching way too much TV all week, I head into work as usual. It’s my only option to see him again.
Everyone’s looking at me as I hobble into the building. No wonder. I still have a big bruise on my forehead, and I’m limping a little from my twisted ankle.
David is walking past the elevator as I arrive on our floor. He wheels back and hooks an arm through mine. “Let me help you.”
“You don’t have to. I’m fine.”
“Come on. Let me help you.” He runs a sympathetic eye over me, the same way one would inspect an injured bird, flopping around in the yard. “I thought they said you’d be out of the office for a while.”
“I will be. Just picking up files. Victoria gave me permission to work from home.”
“You shouldn’t have come in. If you’d let me know, I’d have delivered them to you.”
That’s David. Such a boy scout. “Even though I look like one, I’m not an invalid. Really.”
“I know. I know.”
The walk to my desk, which usually takes ten seconds, takes forever with me limping along. After the regular small talk, we fall into awkward silence.
When my desk is in view, he says, “We were really worried about you. That must’ve been some wreck.”
The way he says it, I have to wonder if he buys Mara’s cover. As far as anyone else knows, it was just an accident, swerving out of control in the rain. “It was really scary.” I nod. “I don’t think I ever want to drive again.”
We arrive at my desk. Caleb must be in his office, because though the door is closed, I can hear voices.
Maybe I can pack up my stuff quickly and jet out of here before he comes out.
Probably not. Like I can do anything quickly, these days.
David holds onto my arm a beat too long, and just gazes at me. I have to shake my arm a little to get him to surrender it.
“Oh. Well, I’m glad you’re okay,” he says, backing off. “Just call if you need me.”
“Thanks,” I call after him as he heads off to the marketing department.
Victoria says, “Nice to have you back,” which might be the nicest thing she’s ever said to me. She’s probably just happy to have someone to lighten her workload.
I notice she’s already packed up most of the files I’m going to need into a banker’s box. As nice as it is to have me back, she clearly wants to get rid of me, as fast as possible. I just need to put together a few more things, and then I’ll be out of here.